Excavators begin new search for IRA victim last seen 47 years ago

Excavators are returning to a site in Ireland to begin a fresh search for a teenager murdered and secretly buried by the IRA.

Columba McVeigh, 19, from Donaghmore, Co Tyrone, Northern Ireland, was last seen in November 1975.

The search will take place at Bragan bog near Emyvale in Co Monaghan, the Independent Commission for the Location of Victims' Remains (ICLVR) said.

Five searches, the most recent ending in September 2019, have been carried out in the area since 1999.

Mr McVeigh is one of the "Disappeared" victims of the Troubles whose bodies have never been found.

Geoff Knupfer, the ICLVR's lead forensic investigator, said: "I'll repeat what I said when we commenced the last search four years ago: we remain convinced that Columba was buried in Bragan Bog.

"The fact that we have not found his remains after a number of searches is deeply disappointing and frustrating especially for the McVeigh family. But in this work that is not in itself unusual."

'We hope to see success'

Mr Knupfer continued: "Back in 2014 we found Brendan Megraw's remains 15 years after the first search on Oristown Bog, Co Meath.

"We constantly review information and refine it. While we never discuss the information we are working from suffice it to say we would not be searching unless we believed that there was a credible reason for doing so."

Jon Hill, senior investigator with the ICLVR, added: "We are looking at an area of around two acres in total which we'll work on in two phases. I can't put a timeframe on the search, but obviously we would hope to see success in phase one which starts today.

"In terms of how the search will progress, much will depend on the weather and the state of the bog as we move through the autumn. There is an additional challenge in that part of the area is forested, but we'll deal with that if we have to further down the line.

"We are working with a highly experienced team of contractors and archaeologists, and we will do our utmost to bring this search to a successful conclusion for the McVeigh family.

"We all know how much it would mean to them."

Mr Knupfer also reiterated his appeal for information in three other outstanding "Disappeared" cases - Joe Lynskey, Robert Nairac and Seamus Maguire.

The ICLVR can be contacted by telephone 00800-55585500, international +353 1 602 8655 or by email at Secretary@iclvr.ie