Excitement builds ahead of Derry's 'rock the boat' world record attempt

Mayor of Derry City and Strabane District Council, Councillor Patricia Logue pictured with representatives from her charities - The Foyle Hospice and The Ryan McBride Foundation on Wednesday afternoon outside the Guildhall to launch her world-record attempting 'Rock-The-Boat Challenge.' The event will take place on Shipquay Street on Saturday, May 4th.

An attempt to form the world's largest ever continuous chain of people performing the 'rock the boat' dance is set to go ahead in around a fortnight in Derry.

The audacious bid to break the sit-down dance world record was announced in March by Derry Mayor Patricia Logue, in aid of two local charities - Foyle Hospice and the Ryan McBride Foundation.

It's set to go ahead in Derry city centre on May 4, with participants expected to gather in Shipquay Street on the Saturday morning.

Read more: Ryan McBride Foundation given boost by Mayor of Derry just weeks after funding cut from Stormont

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The sit-down 'rock the boat' dance, usually accompanied by the Hues Corporation song of the same name, is a feature of weddings and parties across Ireland and even featured in the Bafta winning comedy Derry Girls.

The current world record for the longest continuous chain of people performing 'rock the boat' is held by Galway-based Charity Ability West, who managed to get 1,809 people together on Salthill Promenade.

But Derry are hoping to go one better, with a target of around 2,000 people in the sights of the city's Mayor Patricia Logue.

“I’m really excited for this event which promises to be a fun day out and a brilliant spectacle in our city centre,” said Mayor Logue.

“We have a proven tradition of setting world records on the streets of this city and we have previously broken the record for the most astronauts and most Santas in one place.

“I know the people of the North West will come out in numbers to support this exciting challenge and my two chosen charities who do so much important work in our community.

“I hope to see as many people as possible on Shipquay Street on Saturday May 4th where we can Rock the Boat and the planet by setting a new world record!”

Event organiser Noel McMonagle from the Foyle Hospice added: "We see this as a very good opportunity to raise much needed funds for two local charities and at the same time have a bit of fun!

"We will lift the town with our record attempt and bring everyone together in a fun carnival way - so let’s rock this boat and rock this town!

“With your support we will do it and help Foyle Hospice and The Ryan McBride Foundation provide their services in our community."

Anyone interested in taking part in the record attempt can sign up by clicking this link

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