Exclusive: Ministers Told To Start Campaigning To 'Turbocharge' Tory General Election Plan

Prime minister Rishi Sunak holds his first Cabinet meeting on October 26, 2022.
Prime minister Rishi Sunak holds his first Cabinet meeting on October 26, 2022.

Prime minister Rishi Sunak holds his first Cabinet meeting on October 26, 2022.

All government ministers have been ordered to get out on the doorstep in a bid to “turbocharge” the Tory election plan, it can be revealed.

A leaked email, seen by HuffPost UK, shows the Conservative Party is quietly putting itself into general election mode.

Top Tories have been told to “devote three full days” to political campaigning and visits before the local elections on May 4.

After that date, ministers must provide “one full day a month” for the same purpose until the general election.

An email from Tory Party chairman Greg Hands sent to Rishi Sunak’s Cabinet and ministers said: “Political visits create positive media attention, help secure voters’ attention, and demonstrate momentum behind the government and our election campaigns.”

Conservative Party Chairman Greg Hands.
Conservative Party Chairman Greg Hands.

Conservative Party Chairman Greg Hands.

Hands said he had been working with the party’s CEO Stephen Massey to “turbocharge” their preparations for the next general election.

He added: “That’s why we’ve funded an unprecedented number of projects for our most marginal MPs, including the recent survey and postal vote recruitment projects.

“But as the prime minister said to colleagues at our away day, we need your help too.”

Hands said ministers with responsibilities in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland were needed to support local elections in England.

He vowed to provide updates on “departmental league tables” at political cabinet and told ministers to make CCHQ aware of visits so it counts towards their department’s total.

Hands added: “It’s crucial to remember that the next election will come down to the effort we make from now, in the seats that matter most.”

Elections will take place in a number of local authorities in England on May 4, including some directly elected mayors.

On Thursday 18 May, elections will take place to all local councils in Northern Ireland.

The Tories have faced months of damning polls, consistently trailing well behind Labour.

The next general election is expected to be held late next year but could be run as late as January 2025.

The Conservative Party was approached for comment.
