Exeter homeless man sets up van 'garden' as protest

The campervan Matt Howard is living in at the bottom of Rifford Road, Exeter
The campervan Matt Howard is living in at the bottom of Rifford Road, Exeter -Credit:DevonLive

A frustrated homeless man who has been sleeping rough for around five years has set up a 'garden' outside an old campervan he sleeps in near one of the main routes into Exeter as an 'ultimatum' to the council. Matt Howard, who has been plagued with bouts of homelessness throughout his life after being put into the care system when he was a teenager, has been living in a residents' car park at the bottom of Rifford Road, Wonford, since November.

After submitting another homeless application to Exeter City Council, the 35-year-old claims he has received no support or offers of accommodation despite suffering from a chronic back condition. It has led him to set up a make-shift garden space outside his van to sit in to raise awareness of his plight and try to gain some sense of normality within the limitations of the space he is occupying.

Matt, who was born and bred in Exeter, is calling on the council to either house him in suitable accommodation or to let him stay where he is undisturbed without the threat of eviction. Matt says most people who live in properties near his van have been very supportive.

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Matt claims the only alternative he has been offered is a bed at Exeter homeless hostel Gabriel House which he has refused because he says he does not want to be led into a destructive lifestyle associated with other occupants.

He said: "I have been homeless on and off since I was a teenager. When I turned 18 the council said they no longer had a duty of care to house me and I had no support at all.

"I was in supported accommodation for three years but it was a nightmare living there. I left there five years ago. I get help from mates here and there but the majority of that time since has been spent rough sleeping such as down by the river, in the Wonford area or by the big Tesco.

The campervan Matt Howard is living in at the bottom of Rifford Road, Exeter
The campervan Matt Howard is living in at the bottom of Rifford Road, Exeter -Credit:DevonLive

"I refuse to sleep rough in town because it's not safe. I was temporarily housed for a short period about a year ago this week because I had a knee operation. As soon as I had recovered I had to leave.

"I got this van last November as I had a bit of savings. It's had lots of leaks but I've done some work to it.

"It's staying where it is now because it can't be moved because of problems with it. If they put a notice on my van to leave I won't move because I've got nowhere else to go.

"People who live around here or have spoken to me as they pass by understand why I am doing it. What makes my situation even worse is right by where I am camped is an empty flat. Why can't the council put me in that?

"I know there is a waiting list but I seem to have got forgotten about and it's frustrating knowing how many empty properties there are in Exeter. All I need is a chance."

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Matt says he is unable to work due to his health problems. He suffers from depression and anxiety and has a herniated disc that is compressing on a sciatic nerve and has recently been diagnosed with a bone and degenerative disc disorder.

He is currently receiving injections in his lower spine to help the condition but if it does not work he will require another back operation.

Matt said: "I've put in another homeless application but have not heard back so I give up. I have created a garden outside my van to make a point and hopefully it give the council a reason to try and help me."

An Exeter City Council spokesman said: “Although we can’t comment on individual cases, we would encourage anyone with housing issues to contact the council to see what support may be available.”