Exeter unveils plans for a greener future with low carbon energy centre

Ministers have blocked plans for a solar farm on land between the M1 at Bushey and Watling Street near Radlett
-Credit: (Image: Tim Ireland/PA Wire)

Exeter Energy Ltd is holding two public exhibitions to reveal more details about plans for a low carbon energy centre designed to provide heat to large buildings across the city. The energy centre will act as a centralised heat source for a network of highly insulated underground hot water pipes. Organisations and businesses which connect to the Exeter Energy Network will no longer need individual gas boilers to heat their buildings.

The project will improve air quality in Exeter by making the city less reliant on fossil fuels for heating. It will also help the city tackle the climate crisis by saving more than 13,000 tonnes of carbon emissions a year.

The proposed energy centre will be sited near the Water Lane Solar Park next to Marsh Barton railway station. It will use water source heat pumps to take heat from the River Exe.

The pumps will act like a fridge in reverse to extract thermal energy from the water. The water is returned to the river slightly cooler, but otherwise unchanged. The extracted heat is then used to warm up the water within the heat network.

Back up gas boilers will ensure the system is reliable when demand is high. But these will only provide approximately 15% of the heat and the project plans to phase these out over time. Exeter Energy Ltd plans for the network be net zero by 2030.

Exeter Energy Ltd will be applying for planning permission for the energy centre later this year.

The exhibitions will include information about the energy centre with artists’ impressions, maps and plans. Experts working on the project will be on hand to answer questions.

The events are free and open to the public without booking.

The exhibitions are on

  • Thursday 11 July 11am – 7pm, Exeter Community Centre, 17 St David’s Hill, Exeter, EX4 3RG

  • Saturday 13 July 10am – 2pm, Exeter College Haven Banks, Haven Road, Exeter, EX2 8DP

Exeter Energy Network Project Director Paul Barker says: “The energy centre is critical to the heat network, which represents a £110m investment in the city and will support efforts to tackle the climate emergency.

“It will provide large buildings in Exeter with low carbon heating, powered by renewable energy.

“I hope plenty of residents are able to come along to meet the team and find out more. We are keen to explain our plans, and how we intend to develop the site in a way which protects and enhances the local environment.”