Exit Kid: Emre Türkmen of Years & Years reveals live session for 'Who You Fooling'

Exit Kid: Jono White
Exit Kid: Jono White

Exit Kid is the project of Years & Years keyboardist Emre Türkmen, who decided to switch synths for guitar after wrapping up a tour.

With drummer Dylan Bell he's created something entirely different from the pop band, with a heavy grunge sound that I love.

We're premiering a great live session of their track 'Who You Fooling' despite Emre's attempts to cover it up - check it out below.

Q&A with Exit Kid

How did Exit Kid begin?

Exit Kid began in Albuquerque a year ago. I was on a gruelling US tour and it was very monotonous and uninspiring.

There's a line in a Verve song that always stuck with me: “the airwaves are clean and there's nobody singing to me now” and that's how I felt. Plus, I had a lot of shit to deal with so I bought a cheap guitar and decided to get my hands dirty. I don't think the guitar-bass-drums combo has ever been bettered.

What are you listening to at the moment?

At this specific moment, I'm listening to Mary J Blige because my lovely Uber driver, Shaunette, has it blasting on her car stereo full volume. Otherwise, the last 18 months has seen a constant rotation of Smashing Pumpkins, QOTSA and Coldplay. Two of those are true.

What are your plans for summer?

Make an album with my other, less famous band. Eat my greens. Try not to lose faith in humanity.

What was the first gig you ever played and what’s been the best so far?

The first Exit Kid gig was at the Sebright Arms pub a few weeks ago and, like all good things, it was short and sweaty. We will probably never top it.