The quote that has come back to haunt Theresa May

The result looks set to be a disaster for Theresa May
The result looks set to be a disaster for Theresa May

People are reminding Theresa May of her own prophecy of doom after an astonishing election night in which she lost the Conservative’s overall majority after calling a snap vote.

With a handful of constituencies left to declare, one forecast predicted that the Tories would end up with 320 seats – 10 fewer than when the election was called and six short of an absolute majority.

The result will represent a humiliation for the Prime Minister, who went into the election with a small but viable majority and expectations that she should be able to secure an advantage of 100 seats or more in the House of Commons by going to the country early.

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And though Mrs May seemed likely to be the next Prime Minister – in the short term at least -And now people are sharing this quote from Theresa May in which she said, less than a month ago, that if she loses “just six seats I will lose this election”.

Carline Lucas, the Green’s leader, accused Mrs May of running an “arrogant” campaign.

Jeremy Corbyn said she had made a mistake calling the snap election.

Read more about Election 2017:

Pound plummets after incredible exit poll
What is a Hung Parliament?
Exit poll ‘could mean we’ll have another general election’
How Jeremy Corbyn could now end up as Prime Minister

Here is the Facebook post in full.

And people are reminding her all about it: