An Exmouth Veterans Story – Don’t Suffer Alone

The Armed Forces Breakfast Club meet at Franklins <i>(Image: Submitted)</i>
The Armed Forces Breakfast Club meet at Franklins (Image: Submitted)

An Exmouth Veteran writes for the Journal ahead of Armed Forces Day on Saturday June 29.

I served for 23 Years (1968 – 1991) and served in many different countries including Northern Ireland, Germany, The Middle East and the South Atlantic. I always felt that I contained my memories peacefully. I rarely had anything to do with veterans except to attend a remembrance reunion, although not here in Exmouth.

One day in February last year, my wife suggested I attend the Armed Forces Veterans Breakfast club at Franklins on the strand. I did so and found the comradeship of the military ‘family’ re-ignited. I was not asked for my military number or rank and was accepted by one and all into this weekly happy gathering of Armed Forces men and women.

In August last year I nearly lost my wife through a sudden illness; I visited her in hospital twice a day for 11 days, my family and friends told me they were amazed at how well I dealt with this near tragedy.

Two months later, following my Thursday attendance at the Breakfast club, I went along with some of the club members to the GMC (Gordon Messenger Centre) an armed forces community hub opposite the CTRM Lympstone. I was chatting with a fellow veteran when I suddenly burst in to tears – for no apparent reason!! The fellow veteran placed his hand on my knee and said ‘ don’t worry mate, you’re in a safe place here’

I have now been diagnosed with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). I am receiving professional therapy and learning the tools to cope with my service ‘demons’. I am absolutely convinced that had I not joined other veterans at the Breakfast club, the PTSD would have crept up on me and I would have been left to enter into a very dark world. Most of the Veterans at the Breakfast club are aware of my situation and without any fanfare quietly ask me how I am doing. The offer of support I get not only on breakfast club days but throughout the week from various club members is amazing and along with the additional support from the staff at the GMC I am on the road to recovery.

SO, I urge all veterans in our community to come and join us at the Armed Forces Veterans Breakfast club at Franklins 9am every Thursday.

Don’t Suffer Alone