Expat in Spain says it is 'completely different' in 'ghost island' warning

A British expat living in Majorca has issued a stark warning about relocating to the popular Spanish island, cautioning that it can become a 'ghost town' once the tourist season ends. Majorca, the largest of the Balearic Islands, is inundated with visitors every summer, significantly boosting its tourism industry.

In 2023, Spain welcomed a record 85.1 million international tourists, marking a 19% increase from the previous year, as per the National Statistics Institute. However, an expat has warned that the bustling summer months can sharply contrast with the quiet winter period.

Alex, who runs the YouTube channel Mallorca Under the Sun and has been residing in Majorca since 2005, shared her concerns from Palmanova. She said: "I have been living in Majorca now since 2005 and while there are so many brilliant things about living here on the island, there are also some things that aren't so fantastic. If you are thinking about moving to the island, there are a few issues that I want to make you aware of."

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One of the main issues highlighted by Alex is the stark difference between the island's summer and winter seasons. "I'm going to state the obvious here, but Majorca is a holiday island, it's completely geared towards tourism, and you're going to find very different scenes over here in the summer months than you would in the winter," she explained.

"That may be a problem for many people who come over here to live, they might not quite expect to see many of their favourite holiday resorts just looking so empty."

"But these popular holiday resorts literally turn into ghost towns for the winter months. Yes, there are a few people in the water, and there are a few people out walking, but for some people, this is not really what they signed up for when they came over here to live in Majorca."

She pointed out that some residents may welcome the quieter months, as she has learnt to do herself over the years. "I love being able to walk along the empty beaches and I love being able to enjoy these resorts on a very different level than you ever would during the summer," she said.

"But you can see all the businesses here are closed up, so you've got the diving centre, you've got some really popular bars that you're going to know and love." It comes as other travellers visiting the tourist hotspot have discussed the pros and cons of living in Majorca.

Expats may be taken aback by the contrast in liveliness during winter and summer in SpainReuters. They listed the weather and the internet as two factors that would put them off living on the island permanently.

"It gets really hot in the summer. Ridiculously hot," seasoned travellers Amelia and JP shared on their YouTube channel. "You are going to need air conditioning and hope it doesn't break," they added. "I would not want to be there in the summer."

Adding to their concerns, they stated: "The internet is really slow. We've been really shocked [in Spain] at how slow the internet is."