Experts call for more antivenom to treat deadly snakebite

A man pours milk for a python in Jalandhar, India during an annual tribute to deadly snakes - AFP
A man pours milk for a python in Jalandhar, India during an annual tribute to deadly snakes - AFP

Experts have highlighted the lack of antivenom to treat victims of snakebite as they call for more research into a condition which kills and permanently disables hundreds of thousands of people a year. 

The first ever international snakebite awareness day is being launched on September 18, with organisations around the world hoping to galvanise interest in the problem. Up to around 140,000 people die every year from snakebite and nearly half a million are left permanently disabled, often ending up having their limbs amputated. 

In 2017 the World Health Organization added snakebite to its list of neglected tropical diseases and earlier this year pledged to produce a strategy aimed at reducing the number of people who die from snake attacks.

David Williams, chief executive of the Global Snakebite Initiative, said most cases of snakebite envenoming can be treated with antivenoms but very few countries are able to produce these life-saving drugs.

He said: “With very modest investment, technical support and better regulatory oversight we could very rapidly bring the manufacturing of antivenoms into the 21st century, and deliver cost-effective, safe, quality-assured products anywhere they are needed.”

Several manufacturers have stopped production of antivenom, such as French drug firm Sanofi Pasteur which discontinued production of its product Fav Afrique in 2016 because it was no longer commercially viable.

There are around 3000 different snake species with around 250 listed as of medical importance because of the harm they can do.

But Tamar Ghosh, chief executive of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine, one of the organisations promoting the awareness day, said there was a lack of knowledge about the location of many of the most venomous snakes.

“What we need is more data mapping of where these snakes are. Without good mapping you cannot go to pharmaceutical companies and say this is where the snakes are and this is the exact type of antivenom we need,” she said.

She said that antivenoms need to be matched very precisely to not just the snake species but also the age and sex of the snake.

India has more than 18 different species of the most harmful venomous snakes which kill around 49,000 people every year - around half the global total of snakebite deaths.

Responsibility for treating snakebite has been devolved to state governments but they do not have the resources to deal with it, said Ms Ghosh.

She also said there were cultural sensitivities.

“In parts of India people say you can’t harm a snake as they are seen as God-like figures. If you’re bitten by a snake it’s seen as good fortune,” she added.

Snakebite typically affects the poorest people living in rural areas, particularly women and children. Survivors of snakebite are often left disabled and may end up having a limb amputated.

Ms Ghosh added: "This affects vulnerable communities in very rural areas where infrastructure is poor. They may be near a clinic but find it hard to get there or the clinic may not have the right antivenom. There are all sorts of things which make it difficult for people to seek treatment."  

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