Expert's three grim health reasons never to go barefoot around pool on holiday

Three women on sun loungers
Holidaymakers are being warned -Credit:Thomas M Barwick INC via Getty

What seems like a harmless and comfortable choice - going barefoot around the hotel pool - can actually expose you to alarming risks that might turn your leisurely poolside escape into a distressing nightmare, according to an expert. Walking without shoes around resort pools may seem natural, but it's a practice "fraught with health hazards".

Gabriel Miller, an expert at Gatsby Shoes, has highlighted the potential hazards of wandering around pool areas without proper footwear.

The risks of going barefoot around pools

Exposure to bacteria, viruses and fungi

Pool decks can be breeding grounds for bacteria, viruses, and fungi due to the warm, moist environment. Gabriel said: "Walking barefoot exposes you to pathogens like plantar warts, athlete's foot, and ringworm, which thrive in these conditions. These organisms can easily invade small cuts or abrasions on unprotected feet, leading to uncomfortable and sometimes serious infections."

For example:

  • Plantar warts: Caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), these warts commonly develop on the soles of the feet. They are painful and can be quite persistent, often requiring professional treatment.

  • Athlete's foot: This fungal infection leads to itching, redness, and cracking skin, particularly between the toes. It's highly contagious and can spread through direct contact with contaminated surfaces.

  • Ringworm: Despite its name, ringworm is a fungal infection characterised by ring-shaped, red, itchy patches on the skin. It can easily be contracted from pool decks and other communal areas where fungus may live.

Slipping hazards on wet surfaces

Slippery pool decks are notorious for causing falls, which can lead to bruises, sprains, or even fractures. Gabriel said: "Wet surfaces around pools are extremely slick, and going barefoot increases the risk of losing your balance and suffering a fall."

Cuts and scrapes from pool decks

Rough textures or broken tiles can cause significant damage to bare feet. Gabriel said: "Unexpected sharp edges on pool decks can easily cut skin, making you more susceptible to infections in a high-bacteria environment."

Gabriel’s advice for footwear at the pool

Avoid re-wearing shoes

Gabriel strongly advises against wearing the same shoes in the pool area as you do elsewhere. "Shoes that have been worn on the pool deck should be considered contaminated. If you wear them in other areas, you risk spreading pathogens," he said.

Shoe styles and materials to avoid

Avoid shoes made of cloth or mesh when around the pool, as these materials absorb contaminants and stay damp longer, fostering microbial growth. Gabriel said: "Opt for materials that do not retain moisture and are easy to clean."

Gabriel’s recommendations for safe pool shoe options

Safe footwear choices

For safe and hygienic pool visits, Gabriel recommends wearing water shoes or flip-flops made of rubber or another waterproof material. "Choose shoes that provide a good grip, are easy to clean, and dry quickly to reduce the risk of slips and microbial growth," he advised.

How to clean and sanitise pool shoes

Proper maintenance of pool shoes is crucial for preventing infections. Gabriel said: "Thoroughly clean and sanitise your pool shoes after each use. Scrubbing them with soap and water and letting them dry completely before the next use is essential to kill any pathogens.

"Protecting your feet in the pool area is crucial for your health. Don’t overlook the importance of wearing appropriate shoes to safeguard against infections and injuries."