Extinction Rebellion spray London newspaper offices with green paint in climate coverage protest

Seven Extinction Rebellion activists have been arrested after targeting several newspaper offices on Wednesday, including the Daily Telegraph and the Sun.

Protesters threw green paint at the Telegraph’s offices in Victoria, and unveiled banners reading: “Tell the truth”.

The group also targeted News UK’s building in London Bridge, home of the Sun newspaper, and the offices of the Daily Mail in Kensington with green paint.

It said it had taken the action because it believed the outlets did not cover the climate crisis sufficiently.

Tom Masters, an activist with the group from Bristol, said: “Extinction Rebellion demands that people tell the truth about the climate emergency.

“This shouldn’t be too much to ask of a national newspaper that exerts significant influence over its readership and over the British government.”

More than a dozen police officers arrived on the scene of the protest at the Telegraph’s offices in Buckingham Palace Road where three arrests were made.

The Metropolitan Police said officers detained four others outside the Mail’s HQ on Derry Street, Kensington and News UK’s in London Bridge, Street, south London

It comes just a month before the environmental group attempts to rally thousands of people across four days for a demonstration called, ‘The Big One’.

Climate groups, unions and charities are listed as backers of the event, which will see activists demonstrate outside the Houses of Parliament in Westminster from April 21 to 24.