The eye-opening secret lives of real people in a Kent street told for the first time

Louisa Campbell has written a book in which real people living in a real street in Tunbridge Wells share their own, deeply personal, secret story
Louisa Campbell has written a book in which real people living in a real street in Tunbridge Wells share their own, deeply personal, secret story -Credit:Louise Campbell

The secret lives of real people living in a street in Tunbridge Wells have been told for the first time in a book. Residents of a diverse, perhaps typical road in Tunbridge Wells complete with red pavements, have shared the seismic things which have happened to them during their lives.

They talk about addiction, adoption and an eating disorder, or seeking asylum, living with a learning disability, being abandoned as a baby, and more. Their experiences are woven into a story with a Platinum Jubilee street party as the event which brings the strands of the story together.

The book, Secret Street, is written by author and poet Louisa Campbell, who lives in Tunbridge Wells, and who has a background in mental health nursing. She said she often thought about people living side by side yet being unaware of what's happening over the road, or next door.

She searched for a street with a mix of different types of housing, and put a letter through each door, explaining the project and asking for people to tell their stories. Louisa told KentLive: "I had suggested people meet at their local pub, but people asked instead to tell their stories privately because they were worried about shame or stigma."

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So Louisa, with her recorder and notepad and bags of empathy, spoke to people in their living rooms, in corners of coffee shops or in back gardens. The book has already exceeded its £700 Kickstarter fundraising target with 34 backers and counting, so Louisa now wants to spread the word about the "fiction based on fact" book.

"People will hear these untold stories that are life-changing because everybody in the story has been through so much and have coped with it, so you learn things that might help you in your own life."

Secret Street by Louisa Campbell with illustration by artist and illustrator Elaine Gill - two of the books, with their colourful illustration of a street, with red brick pavements
Secret Street by Louisa Campbell with illustration by artist and illustrator Elaine Gill -Credit:Louise Campbell

"It all sounds a bit grandiose, but I do believe if you read the book, it is potentially life-changing," said Louisa, whose poetry has won many prizes, most notably a shortlisting for the Forward Prizes in 2022.

She said the book, in which the residents are not called by their real names and other aspects are fictionalised in case locals might guess, was "not about making big bucks or being famous".

What she loves is when people who, after reading Secret Street, get in contact with her to say it had helped them. Well-known Kent artist and illustrator Elaine Gill has produced the stunning cover for the hardback book, which costs £20. She loves drawing buildings "especially those that have a story behind them", so fits in beautifully with the ethos of the book.

'Juicy discussion points for book clubs'

Louisa said people laughed and cried when telling their stories, and much in between. Some of those who told their stories, went on to open up more to their partners or wider family, she said.

"It's really a very emotional book. It is something that you savour and think about and read slowly. It's good for book clubs and I have included juicy discussion points for them," she told us with a grin.

She wants to launch storytelling groups and is liaising with the team at The Amelia Scott to hold some there. And she stressed the importance of people being more open, even showing vulnerability, in sharing more of their selves with others.

"People end up telling their secrets to each other and end up becoming friends instead of neighbours. You can't expect everyone to become friends, but it is something that does happen."

"And it's this thing about being kind. Plato, more than 2,000 years ago, said "Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a harder battle". People are so intolerant. If you knew someone was grumpy today, because he has anorexia, or PTSD flashbacks, then you might be kinder to people," she said.

The story

"Minty Cavendish has tried to escape the trauma of her impoverished childhood by emulating the Queen, changing her name and voice, and moving to posh Royal Tunbridge Wells.

"Now 82, single and lonely, she plans to make friends and become her street’s queen bee by organising a Platinum Jubilee street party. When a last-minute knock on the door threatens to spoil everything, she discovers her neighbours have secrets of their own."

How to order Secret Street

If you buy the book before April 30, you can get your name in the back. You will also get free local delivery and it is £5 off the bookshop price. Visit Secret Street here.

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