Fallout TV show fans want Bethesda to make this detail canon in Fallout 5


The Fallout TV show may be canon to the games, but what if it played a reverse Uno card and shaped Bethesda’s future Fallout titles – including Fallout 5?

Well, that’s exactly what viewers of the Prime Video series have been clamoring for, but it’s for a very unexpected addition to the franchise’s lore.

"Petition to get Matt Berry voice all Mr. Handy robots in future Fallout games," the straight-talking Reddit topic from u/Lavanoth reads, referring to Matt Berry’s portrayal of jobbing actor Sebastian Leslie – who sold his ‘Codsworth’ character voice rights to bring the Mr. Handy line of automated robots to life.

"He’s perfect. They need to record more lines from the guy asap. He should be the voice going forward forever," one replied.

Another added: "I had some issues with the show, mostly lore stuff, but that was just brilliant casting." One joked, "I really don’t see why we can’t have two Mr. Handy voices but regardless I think we can all agree Matt Berry needs to be in Fallout 5 when it comes out in 2077."

Others, though, were keen to point out that the original voice actor Stephen Russell should stay put.

"No way man! Stephen Russell is such an iconic voice actor and is so integral to Fallout, it would break my heart to see him gone in Fallout 5," one wrote. "Matt Berry was very good as a fun cameo but I think we should just keep him as show exclusive."

Another viewer echoed those thoughts, remarking, "No, Stephen Russell is just THE Mr. Handy at this point."

Even if Matt Berry doesn’t appear in Fallout 5 – or any future Fallout title – there’s still a chance the actor will continue his Handy-work in a second season, which has recently been confirmed by Prime Video.

For more on the show, read our explainers, spoiler breakdowns, and cast interviews: