Families urged to boycott a Stockport park's summer fair as campaigners call for donkey ride ban

Animal rights campaigners are calling for children's donkey rides to be banned at an upcoming summer fair.

The event is planned at Cale Green Park in Stockport this Sunday, June 30, but the inclusion of donkey rides has sparked outrage from PETA, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

The organisation has written a letter to Cale Green Park Residents Association, also known as the Friends of Cale Green Park, who have planned the event, urging them to reconsider.

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"We urge you to please cancel this aspect of the fair and commit to never featuring live-animal attractions in any future events," says the letter, from PETA campaigner Molly Elsdon.

The inclusion of donkey rides has sparked anger from animal rights campaigners
The inclusion of donkey rides has sparked anger from animal rights campaigners -Credit:Cale Green Park Residents Association

"Donkeys are sensitive, cautious animals who can become distressed, alarmed, or panicked when surrounded by loud, excited crowds. Because a donkey’s natural response to unfamiliar environments is often to freeze, frustrated or unruly riders at such events have been known to prod, kick, and scream at them, adding further stress to the animals’ experience.

"Other donkeys may bolt or kick when in a state of fear, putting themselves and others at risk of injury. Forcing donkeys to carry humans or equipment can also strain their back and joints. What’s more, transport is extremely tiring for equines, as they must continually keep their balance in the moving vehicle, and donkeys used for such attractions are subjected to the physical and psychological stress of transport, sometimes over long distances, when hauled from one event to the next."

She adds that the 'practice of taking donkeys on the road and treating them as living carnival rides teaches children a dangerous lesson that animals exist merely for our amusement'.

"Ending the exploitation of donkeys in this way would do nothing to diminish the fun families experience during the summer fair," the letter states. "For the animals, though, it would make a world of difference. Will you please give us your assurance that you will act immediately to ensure live animals aren’t used at the summer fair or your future events?"

The letter was sent after PETA says it was 'alerted by a concerned supporter' about the plans to feature donkeys in the event, which takes place from 12.30pm to 4pm and includes other entertainment such as a dog show, coconut shy, a magician, stalls and bubble making.

“Forcing donkeys to plod in endless circles while hauling fairgoers on their backs teaches children the wrong lesson: that animals are something, not someone who deserves respect and compassion,” said PETA vice president Mimi Bekhechi.

“PETA urges Cale Green Park Summer Fair to leave donkeys in peace and calls on families to steer clear of any event that uses animals for entertainment.”

Organisers of the fair say they have no plans to ban the donkey rides.

PETA has sent a letter to Cale Green Park Residents Association
The fair takes place at Cale Green Park this weekend -Credit:Joel Goodman

A spokesperson for the Cale Green Park Residents Association said: "We have been made aware of the objections by PETA to the inclusion of donkey rides at our park event next week. The event has been approved by the council area committee who were aware of the involvement of animals.

"We have always been committed to ensuring the welfare of the donkeys in liaison with their owners. With regards to future events we will reflect on the points made by PETA before reaching any decision."

Stockport Council says lots of events and activities take place across the borough's parks and if animals are included it needs to be considered by the area committee. In the case of Cale Green Park this was done and approval was granted.

A council spokesperson said: “We want everyone to enjoy events like this across our borough. They are a great way of bringing families and communities together, but animal welfare is paramount. We're in touch with the event organisers about the concerns raised and we will also consider the points raised by PETA when approving events with animals included.”