Family gets HATE after funeral firework show for mother and loved pub landlady

Family gets HATE after funeral firework show for mother and loved pub landlady <i>(Image: Georgia Fisher)</i>
Family gets HATE after funeral firework show for mother and loved pub landlady (Image: Georgia Fisher)

A daughter has responded to cruel internet trolls after she was reprimanded for hosting a firework display in remembrance of her mother, a beloved pub landlady, who sadly passed away.

Georgia Fisher, 30, from Newbury, organised a firework display to say goodbye to her mum who died suddenly after a short battle with cancer.

On Saturday June 15 Ms Fisher gathered with friends and family to set off the fireworks which contained her Mother, Sarah Fisher's, ashes.

However, once the 'celebration of life' was over, the family noticed that a number of people had posted on Facebook complaining about the noise.

One woman, who has since deleted her post, said that her dogs had been really frightened from the firework display, and called the host 'selfish and ignorant.'

Ms Fisher responded to the woman, calling her out for reacting so strongly to the memorial display.

"I am proud that my mum's dying wish to create the loudest bang she ever could was recognised," she said.

"It was one night of disturbance as oppose to me living the rest of my life without my mother. It's not like kids just setting fireworks off to be a nuisance, there was a real reason for this."

The firework display was a public event at the Starting Gate pub in Newbury and Ms Fisher had put it on Facebook four weeks prior.

Her mother, Sarah Fisher, was a former landlady of the pub and was beloved by many who often visited it. She had lived in Newbury all her life.

"A lot of people knew my mum. People used to call her 'Fish.' It affected a lot when she passed away," Ms Fisher said.

She also said that a lot of people knew that the event was happening, so its surprising the amount of residents who were against it.

"I could understand if once I had clarified what the firework display was for they came back and apologised for the posts, but even when she realised that the fireworks had my mum's ashes in it she didn't stop," Ms Fisher said.

One particularly nasty troll even commented on one of Ms Fisher's post and said "I don't care about her mum, she doesn't care about anyone else. If your mum's dying wish was to piss a load of people off she would be happy, except she don't know nothing about it because she's dead"

Ms Fisher said that luckily she has thick skin, so this didn't affect her in the slightest.