'My family laughed that I'd lose weight - now I'm running London Marathon'

A North Staffordshire woman who was laughed at by her family when she vowed to lose weight says she "proved them all wrong" as she prepares to fulfil her dream of running the 2024 London Marathon.

Sharon Guest-Barker, from Bradwell, has shed one stone 11lbs since the start of her weight-loss journey having spent years seeking comfort food to deal with the grief of losing her stepmother. Over that time, the 51-year-old became more self-conscious and embarrassed about her size.

She knew a change needed to be made. Sharon said: "Being overweight massively impacted my everyday life. Walking left me breathless and it made me feel ashamed of my weight. I knew I wanted to make a change, but I wasn’t sure where to start.

"My turning point was on New Years Eve when I promised myself that I’d lose weight and feel healthier. I was celebrating with my family and decided to announce my promise as a New Year’s resolution in front of everyone. I beamed with excitement and determination, so I was quite shocked and upset when everyone just laughed at me.

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"It only made me more determined than ever, and in January I joined Slimming World. By December that year, I’d proved them all wrong.

"My consultant and fellow group members have been so supportive throughout my entire weight loss journey. I love hearing everyone’s new recipe ideas each week and sharing my own creations. I look forward to attending group each week as it keeps me motivated and on track."

Now Sharon is representing Slimming World in their 17-strong team taking part in the London Marathon team on Sunday (April 21). The team - comprising Slimming World members, consultants and head office staff from across the UK and Ireland - have between them lost more than 105 stone.

The runners are raising money for Cancer Research UK, the Irish Cancer Society and Alzheimer’s Research UK - Slimming World’s official charity partners. Sharon is running for Alzheimer’s Research UK to raise awareness of how healthy eating and moving more can protect our physical and brain health.

As Sharon lost weight and grew in confidence, she decided to explore Slimming World’s Body Magic physical activity support programme, which helps members to embrace and integrate active habits into their everyday life. The programme recognises a wide range of activities, to suit all ability levels and budgets, and supports members to increase activity from their own individual starting point and at their own pace.

Sharon said: "Body Magic has played a massive part in my weight loss journey. I initially wanted to give it a go, to try and control my breathing while moving. I started by walking once or twice a day and then built this up to a slow jog when I was ready. I loved being able to do everything in my own time and not feel pressured. I never thought I’d end up on the Slimming World marathon team!

"I’m proud to be running in aid of Alzheimer’s Research UK. My grandad sadly passed away with the condition and my close friend’s mother is living with dementia, so I know just how much it can impact lives. I know my grandad would be so proud of me for running the marathon in his honour."

Lucy Squance, director of supporter led fundraising at Alzheimer’s Research UK said: "We’re truly grateful to Sharon and the team of dedicated Slimming World runners for taking on the London Marathon to raise much-needed funds and awareness for Alzheimer's Research UK. We can’t wait to cheer from the side-lines and celebrate at the finish line.

"Tragically, dementia is the UK’s biggest killer and if nothing changes, one in two of us will be directly affected by it, either by developing it ourselves, caring for someone with it, or both. Alzheimer’s Research UK exists for a cure and it’s people like Sharon and organisations like Slimming World who will help us find one. We can’t thank them enough for standing (or running) with us!"

Money raised for Cancer Research UK, the Irish Cancer Society and Alzheimer’s Research UK helps fund life-saving research. Anyone who would like to sponsor the Slimming World Marathon team can do so by visiting justgiving.com/campaign/sw-londonmarathon2024

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