All the famous MPs who've lost seats at General Election - from George Galloway to Liz Truss

The General Election results are trickling in with a swathe of famous faces losing seats up and down the country. The Conservative Party are due a wipeout with the Labour Party set to win an astonishing majority in a landslide victory.

Wes Streeting said he began to well up and was close to tears as the exit poll was announced, shortly before he had to go onto the BBC, where he called the result "brilliant" with a historic win for his party. Mr Streeting explained his vision to save the struggling health service.

He said: "Yes the NHS is going through the worst crisis in its history, but it's doing so against the backdrop of the revolution that's taking place in life sciences and medical technology, where we can keep people well and keep people well for longer, battling conditions that were previously poorly understood and considered incurable."

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George Galloway

George Galloway, leader of the Workers Party of Britain, was beating in Rochdale by Paul Waugh, the Labour candidate and a former political journalist. On the BBC election programme Neil Kinnock , the former Labour leader, could scarcely contain his glee. He described Galloway as “repulsive” – but said when he was leading the party, he could not find a reason to throw him out.

Here are the results in full from PA Media.

Lab win - notional hold
Paul Waugh (Lab) 13,027 (32.82%)
+George Galloway (WPB) 11,587 (29.20%)
Michael Howard (Reform) 6,773 (17.07%)
Paul Ellison (C) 4,273 (10.77%)
Andy Kelly (LD) 2,816 (7.10%)
Martyn Savin (Green) 1,212 (3.05%)
Lab maj 1,440 (3.63%)

Robert Buckland

Robert Buckland, who has lost his seat in Swindon, has torn into his former Tory colleagues. "I'm fed up of personal agendas, and jockeying for position. The truth is now with the Conservatives facing this electoral Armageddon, it will be like a group of bald men arguing over a comb.", he said.

The former Justice Secretary lost to Labour's Heidi Alexander, who won a majority of 9,606 and wiped out Sir Robert's majority of more than 6,000 in Swindon South.

Justin Tomlinson

Tory energy minister Justin Tomlinson has lost his seat in Swindon North to Labour's Will Stone. With 41 constituency results declared, Labour has won 35 seats with a 43.2% share of the vote. The Conservatives have three seats and a 20.4% vote share.

The Liberal Democrats have won in two constituencies with 19.9% of the overall vote, while Reform UK have 19.9% of the vote, translating to success in one seat. The Green Party have 6.5% of the votes.

Alex Chalk

The Lib Dems claimed to have defeated Justice Secretary Alex Chalk in Cheltenham. A Liberal Democrat source said: “This is a massive result for the Liberal Democrats and demonstrates the anger that so many Conservative voters have for this Government.

“The people of Cheltenham have elected a local champion in Max Wilkinson who will stand up in Parliament and work hard to protect local A&E services.”

Grant Shapps

Defence Secretary Grant Shapps has lost his seat of Welwyn Hatfield to the Labour Party.

Penny Mordaunt

Ms Mordaunt was considered by many to be a likely candidate for the party leadership if she held on to her seat. She was among the most recognisable Tory MPs, having played key roles in the King's Coronation ceremony and appearing on ITV celebrity diving game show Splash!

Ms Mordaunt's defeat comes on a torrid night of results for the Conservative Party - who look set to lose over 200 seats. The first Tory big beast to lose his seat was Sir Robert Buckland, the former Justice Secretary - who took aim at "ill-discipline" within the Party after losing his seat.

Therese Coffey

Coffey, who had represented Suffolk Coastal since 2010 secured 14,602 votes, while Labour’s Jenny Riddell-Carpenter won 15,672. She had served in the Cabinet under the last three prime ministers.

Coffey was health secretary and deputy prime minister during Liz Truss’ short-lived premiership, and served as environment secretary under Rishi Suna. She had been work and pensions secretary under Boris Johnsin between 2019 and 2022.

Johnny Mercer

Veterans minister Johnny Mercer has been defeated by Labour in Plymouth Moor View. Work and Pensions Secretary Mel Stride, widely expected to lose in Central Devon, said: "This is a very difficult moment for the Conservative party and I am obviously very sorry that a number of my colleagues... [are not] going to be getting back to parliament."

Jonathan Ashworth

Mr Ashworth, who was the Shadow Paymaster General, served as the Leicester South MP from 2011. Having won his own London seat of Holborn and St Pancras, Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer thanked those who voted for him and "put their trust in a changed Labour Party".

"To everyone who has campaigned for Labour in this election, to everyone who voted for us and put their trust in our changed Labour Party - thank you," he said.

Jacob Rees Mogg

Former cabinet minister Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg has lost his seat at the general election. He has been defeated by Labour's Dan Norris by over 5,000 votes. Former business secretary Sir Jacob Rees-Mogg said it was “clearly a terrible night” for his party, that had come to take its “core vote for granted”.

“We need to win voters at every single election. If you take your base for granted... your voters will look to other parties.” Speaking at the University of Bath after the result was declared, Sir Jacob said: "May I begin by giving my warmest congratulations to Dan Norris, who has been a servant of North East Somerset or Wansdyke as it then was before and I am sure will be a devoted constituency MP in the future.

"And congratulate Sir Keir Starmer who has led his party to what seems to be a historic victory. And this is the great virtue of our democracy, so I congratulate both of them."

Mark Harper

Mark Harper, the transport secretary, has lost his Forest of Dean seat to Labour. At the last election he was ahead of Labour here by 60% to 29%

Liz Truss

Former prime minister Liz Truss has lost her seat in Norfolk South West - which was considered a safe Conservative seat. There were slow claps in the audience as the candidates awaited the arrival of Ms Truss - who was nowhere to be seen moments before the result.

Terry Jermy, for Labour, won the seat with a majority of 630. "For me this is the Portillo moment of the night," Sky News political editor Beth Rigby said.