'I fancy my boss and want to seduce him – but there's one big worry'

Businessman and businesswoman talking in doorway in office
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Engaging in an office romance sounds like fun and games until you get down to the nitty gritty.

Not only can you anger HR by flirting with those who you're meant to have a professional relationship with, it can also have disastrous impacts on your career. If a fling goes wrong, it can be incredibly awkward.

So with that being said, a woman wanted to put some feelers out there before going all in with her crush. She wants to "subtly signal" them instead of diving in head first.

In a candid Mumsnet thread, she explained: "I have noticed a few things that may signal he likes me, or may be nothing... He asked me if I am single in such a roundabout way that I didn't even notice until later."

And in another move, she claimed: "He got too close physically to handle my laptop for a presentation when he could have taken his or moved mine closer to himself instead of his body towards my space."

The woman added that her boss "always makes sure" to be at any social events too, which may imply they want to get a bit closer.

Sadly though, the woman's hopes may be dashed as Mumsnetters were quick to say that pursuing the relationship would be seriously risky. One wrote: "This has trouble written all over it, and if it goes wrong, its you, your career and your reputation that will take the hit, not his."

Another agreed: "Don’t do it! If you’re really serious then find a new job then make a move. But for f*** sake don’t flirt with your boss."

And a third explained: "You're reading far too much into your 'examples'. I suspect you are spending hours analysing this man's every move in the hope of finding 'clues' that he fancies you; and finding excuses for why he might not have made an obvious move. Don't. It's a waste of time. If he is interested in a relationship, he will make a move."

Taking these comments on board, the woman defended herself. She believes she'd be able to "switch managers" if romance blossomed.

She added: "I don't want to flirt, hence why I am looking for advice on how to be subtle. I don't want to make a move, I want him to make the move. And of course I would not try a relationship with that power imbalance. If we found out we like each other, I will definitely switch managers."

So what would you do? Don't forget to let us know in the comments section below.