Fans of Netflix's Leave The World Behind can't get over this major plot hole

archie and rose in leave the world behind
The Leave The World Behind plot hole you missedNetflix

Over the weekend Netflix dropped their latest thriller film Leave The World Behind, which sees two families cope with an impending apocalypse, and while fans have been loving the chilling movie, there is one major plot hole they can't get over in the film.

Leave The World Behind is based on Rumaan Alam's novel of the same name and sees Amanda (Julia Roberts) take her family on an unplanned holiday for a long weekend in Long Island. While there Amanda and her husband Clay (Ethan Hawke), and their two children Rose (Farrah Mackenzie) and Archie (Charlie Evans), attempt to have a chilled out holiday.

However, their peace is disturbed by G.H. (Mahershala Ali) and his daughter Ruth (Myha'la) who turn up in the middle of the night, claiming they own the house and ask to sleep there due to a blackout in New York. What follows is a series of chilling and eerie events which sees the world head for an apocalypse.

leave the world behind cast

One of the ongoing storylines in the movie is Rose's obsession with the TV show Friends, it's all she talks about and she's determined on finding a way to watch the last episode, despite the world literally ending.

However, many viewers have pointed out a major plot hole in this storyline. Julia Roberts who plays Amanda, Rose's mum in the film, also has an appearance in season two of Friends.

In case you forgot, Julia Roberts starred in a season two episode 'The One After The Super Bowl' where she played the love interest of the late Matthew Perry's character Chandler.

And many fans of the Leave The World Behind have questioned if Julia's on-screen daughter Rose would not have recognised her mum in her favourite TV show.

archie and rose in leave the world behind

One person posted on X (formerly known as Twitter): "If Rose from Leave The World Behind was obsessed with Friends that means at some point during S02E12 (The One After the Superbowl) she was probably like, '…Mom?'"

Another said: "The daughter watching Friends on her iPad in Leave the World Behind is going to have her mind blown when Julia Roberts turns up."

And another asked: "With Rose’s obsession with ‘Friends’ in ‘Leave The World Behind’, wouldn’t she have recognised her own mom was in the episode ‘The One After The Superbowl’?"

However, it seems we shouldn't be too worried about Rose being majorly freaked out by her mum appearing on her favourite TV show.

Speaking to The Messenger about the Friends connection, director of Leave The World Behind Sam Esmail explained in the movie universe Julia Roberts is not playing Amanda, she's just Rose's mum.

"On a purely intellectual level, in this universe, Julia Roberts is not playing Amanda. There's just Rose's mom, Amanda Sanford," he explained. "And on the show, she sees Julia Roberts, and maybe she has a passing resemblance to her mom, but because it's her mom, she probably doesn't think twice about it. So that's my weird, meta-convoluted explanation for it."

Sam went onto explain he was curious to see Julia Robert's reaction to the inclusion of Friends and said they all smiled every time it came up.

"When Julia read the script, of course, I was so curious about her reaction, and, ultimately, I think we all smile every time we realised the connection. In that way, emotionally, it even adds to the satisfaction," he said.

Ok, so we guess we can chill out knowing that plot hole has been cleared up.

Leave The World Behind is available on Netflix now

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