Far-right prepares for power in EU institutions| Radio Schuman

Far-right prepares for power in EU institutions| Radio Schuman

Will a new far-right group emerge at the European Parliament for its fresh legislative mandate? Negotiations are ongoing to constitute old and potentially new political far-right groups at the European Parliament, including the meeting today (Wednesday 26 June) of the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR), set to elect its co-presidents.

Radio Schuman spoke to Euronews journalist Vincenzo Genovese about the ongoing negotiations, divisions within the far-right and possible scenarios for group formation.

We look into the re-appointment of Valerie Hayer as the president of the liberal group Renew Europe, in the context of the French election coming up on Sunday (30 June).

We also talk about sex workers, who are now entitled to conventional job contracts in Belgium.

Radio Schuman is hosted and produced by Maïa de la Baume, with journalist and production assistant Eleonora Vasques and audio editing by Zacharia Vigneron. The music is by Alexandre Jas.