'Fast and Furious' star Sung Kang said a fan mistook him for Jackie Chan when he went to a convenience store. They felt so bad they gave him milk for free.

  • During a "Fast X" event, star Sung Kang said a fan recently mistook him for another actor in a store.

  • The man told Kang he loved him in "Rush Hour." Jackie Chan, not Kang, starred in the 1998 movie.

  • Kang said the man felt so bad he gave him his milk free of charge.

Sung Kang's favorite fan moment is a case of mistaken identity that worked in his favor.

During a trailer event for the next installment of the "Fast and the Furious" franchise, "Fast X," host Maria Menounous asked Kang about his favorite fan encounter, which occurred during the filming of this spring's upcoming sequel.

"We were shooting 'Fast X' and I went to the convenience store to buy some milk and the dude at the counter looks at me and he goes, 'Hey man, I love you. I love everything you do,'" Kang told the crowd, including Insider, Thursday from the L.A. Live Event Deck in Los Angeles, California.

As they continued to speak, Kang realized the man thought he was someone else.

"You were great in that movie, 'Rush Hour,'" Kang said.

As fans realized Kang was mistaken for actor Jackie Chan, who starred in the 1998 action comedy alongside Chris Tucker, the crowd audibly groaned, with multiple people yelling out, "Come on."

Sung Kang gets mistaken for Jackie Chan
Sung Kang said he was mistaken for "Rush Hour" star Jackie Chan.Michael Buckner/Variety via Getty Images, Daniele Venturelli/Getty Images for The Red Sea International Film Festival

Kang said there was an upside to the mistake.

"He felt bad and he gave me the milk for free," Kang said to laughter from the crowd, adding, "And a bag of snacks."

Kang's reference to snacks is a nod to his "Fast" saga character, fan-favorite Han, who's usually snacking in scenes to keep his hands busy from his former smoking habit.

han fast furious 9
Han returns in "Fast 9" with a bag of snacks.Universal Pictures

Han recently returned to the franchise in 2021's "Fast 9" after being killed off the series years ago. Somehow, he miraculously survived a fiery car crash seen in both 2006's "Tokyo Drift" and 2013's "Furious 6."

We may learn more of how he returned from the dead in "Fast X" when it hits theaters on May 19.

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