Father of teenager who murdered Brianna Ghey jailed after exposing himself to girls

Kyle Ratcliffe in a gym wearing boxing gloves
Kyle Ratcliffe has been jailed for 15 months

The father of one of the murderers of Brianna Ghey has been jailed after exposing himself to two 16-year-old girls four days before his son’s trial began.

Kyle Ratcliffe – the 36-year-old father of Eddie Ratcliffe, who is serving life along with his accomplice Scarlett Jenkinson, both 16, for the murder of Brianna, a transgender teenager – was given a 15-month sentence on Thursday.

Ratcliffe, who appeared at Manchester Crown Court via videolink from custody at HMP Forest Bank, Salford, admitted two offences of exposure last November involving two 16-year-old girls at a bus stop.

The offences were committed on Nov 22. His son’s murder trial, at the same court, began on Nov 27.

Ratcliffe, from Leigh, Greater Manchester, also pleaded guilty to making an indecent image of a child by taking a mobile phone video of a prepubescent girl taking off her swimsuit at a public swimming pool in Cheshire.

In mitigation, his barrister referred to the conviction and said it was “unrealistic to divorce his offending from what has befallen his family in the past 12 months”.

After Eddie Ratcliffe and Scarlett Jenkinson were convicted, Brianna’s mother, Esther Ghey, called for “empathy and compassion” for their families because “they too have lost a child” and “must live the rest of their lives knowing what their child has done”.

An order preventing reporting that Ratcliffe is the father of one of Brianna’s killers was lifted by Judge Potter. Ratcliffe spoke only to confirm his name and enter his guilty pleas.

The court heard that Ratcliffe was sitting in his Maserati car when he exposed himself to the two teenage girls at 7.45am on Nov 22. The girls were about to board the bus when Ratcliffe made eye contact and one of them saw that his trousers were past his knees, exposing his genitals.

She told her friend and the teenagers “laughed it off”, but the same thing happened the following morning when both girls saw the defendant’s genitals. One of them took his registration number, before they contacted their parents and the police.

Kyle Ratcliffe, who appeared from custody at HMP Forest Bank, Salford, admitted two offences of exposure last November
Kyle Ratcliffe, who appeared from custody at HMP Forest Bank, Salford, admitted two offences of exposure last November

In relation to the indecent image, the judge said Ratcliffe had filmed a young girl aged between 12 and 16 undressing at a swimming pool and had stored the image on his phone in a folder marked “Stuff”.

Police also found that his phone contained internet searches for indecent images of schoolgirls indulging in explicit sexual activity.

Ratcliffe has two previous convictions for indecent exposure, and had been ordered to undergo a rehabilitation programme to address his interest in young girls.

In 2008, he was given a suspended prison sentence for exposure for masturbating in his car towards a girl aged 16. In 2012, he was given a three-year community order for exposure after being seen masturbating behind the wheel of his vehicle while at a red light.

Judge Potter told Ratcliffe it was clear that he had “a sexual attraction to female children”, adding: “I do not take from my mind the circumstances of the proceedings which led to the conviction of one of your children for murder, but they cannot provide any excuse whatsoever for your behaviour.

“The truth is that you made a deliberate decision to behave in this abusive, risk-taking way, creating the potential for harm to others.”

Mark Friend, defending, had argued that it was “impossible to divorce” Ratcliffe’s case from the effect of his son’s trial.

He said: “I do not seek to engender sympathy, because he is entirely the author of his own misfortune. We do not know the motivation for his offending but it is unrealistic to divorce it from what has befallen his family in the last 12 months and the seriousness of his son’s conviction.

“He has played his own part in that misery and left his wife and other two children to deal with those burdens alone.”

Eddie Ratcliffe and Jenkinson were jailed for life earlier this month, with minimum terms of 20 and 22 years set respectively.