Fawn hand-reared by family - and becomes best friend to two dogs

A baby deer hand-reared by an animal rescuer after moving in with his family is best friends with his two dogs - even answering to her name. Milly the fawn was ''mistakenly'' rescued from the wild when she was less than 24 hours old. A walker thought she had been abandoned in the long grass by a walker who took her to a vets in Moretonhampstead, Devon. Because she had been in contact with a human the vets believed the fawn's mother would not take her back - so rang local animal rescuer Steve Hopper. Now a year later Steve, 65, has hand-reared young Milly with the help of his two German Shepherds - who have taken to her like family. She plays with the two German Shepherd Bear and Fox like siblings. Steve says she will come by her name when she is called - often when she knows there is a chocolate biscuit waiting for her. Find out more about Steve's work and follow Milly's journey here: https://www.facebook.com/steve.hopper.94