FBI Releases Footage of Mystery Man in New Bid to Solve $500M Art Heist

Footage released by the FBI on August 6 aims to shed new light on an unsolved $500m Boston art heist from 1990. The footage, which has never before been seen by the public, appears to show a security guard allowing a man into the museum, against policy, 24 hours before two men entered and stole a selection of highly valuable works. This footage shows the man parking a car outside, and being let in and then out of the museum.

The night after this footage was filmed, two men in Boston Police uniforms gained access to the museum by advising a security guard they were responding to reports of a disturbance. After the guard let them in, against museum policy, they subdued hum, and stole 13 works of art reported to have a value of over $500m. A $5m reward has been offered by the museum for information that leads directly to the recovery of all of the stolen items in good condition. Credit: FBI