Fears over sewage in Cornwall's beaches as nine popular spots hit by pollution

Readymoney Cove
-Credit: (Image: Readmoney Beach Cafe)

Cornwall Live readers are raising alarm over recent sewage discharges into the sea at nine local beaches. An interactive map from Safer Seas & Rivers Service indicated these discharges took place at a string of popular spots, including Readymoney Cove, Long Rock, and Godrevy Towans.

This issue is not new to Cornwall, with heavy rainfall often contributing to overflow scenarios that result in sewage spillage into coastal waters.

Such warnings have been a common occurrence in recent years in Cornwall and beyond. Water companies are legally allowed to discharge waste into the sea and rivers after periods of exceptionally heavy rain to prevent the network backing up and flooding roads, homes and businesses.

Reader Boscastle said: "All water companies pay dividends to share holders instead of investing in more money in making sure sewage is treated far better before it gets to the sea or rivers."

Commenter Joylune wrote: "No good complaining, we live on an island that is overcrowded. How many other islands do you suppose dump their waste in the sea. We sell our plastic waste for removal by ship. Then it appears all over the world. Trouble is the whole world is over populated. It's not the responsibility of any one company, or anyone person to resolve sewer or trash problems. It is the responsibility of each and everyone of us."

Emmsj replied: "I totally disagree. Sewage treatment works are not beyond the remit of these water companies, they are statutory consultees under planning, they know of increased housing proposals but are too busy paying dividends rather than investing in infrastructure. They are not held to account. We are paying the price of the exec wages and failure to manage the ‘function’, then we can also discuss the water shortages, lack of reservoirs too."

Over on our CornwallLive Facebook page, Dennis Hatch said: "Let's hope that we will see the end of the water companies doing this now we've got a new government and they will be taken all the water utilities back into public ownership and eventually all of the utilities and be working for the people and not the bosses and shareholders. I wish them all the luck because they'll need it."

Ann Player said: "With the amount of properties being built, it is no wonder this keeps happening. The treatment works are being overwhelmed as many of them, when first built could cope but with all the extra properties they are being put under strain. When water authorities try to build new works, the nimbys come out in force against it,so they cannot make progress!"

Suzanne Gossington said: "We saw a load heading towards Millendreath & Downderry whilst Kayaking about 1000 ft from shore, apparently from the Plaidy pipe. It was a huge slick we ran into with ‘bits and personal items’ floating in it. I nearly threw up and paddled back to shore. Tried to report it but you get no where. Water companies just don’t care as long as they get profits. They know they won’t get punished so it will carry on. It’s all about appearances in the UK we appear to be zero carbon (which is a lie) and recycle much of our waste all the while we continue to pollute our crap like this. It’s all smoke and mirrors."

Michael Fensome wrote: "This is an absolute disgrace. We pay the water companies to treat this and we pay again for the clearing up and the loss of revenue as a result of polluted beaches and rivers. Yet the directors of these huge companies get their dividends and bonuses.... and huge salaries for NOT doing their jobs."

So what are your thoughts on the sewage that is making its way into Cornish beaches? Let us know in the comments below or HERE.