Final say on future of historically important building before planning application

Final plans are being put together for the future of Barbara Hepworth's Palais de Danse in St Ives <i>(Image: Rosemary Mathews/Tate St Ives)</i>
Final plans are being put together for the future of Barbara Hepworth's Palais de Danse in St Ives (Image: Rosemary Mathews/Tate St Ives)

People will be able to have a final say on the future of an historically important building in Cornwall ahead of a planning application this summer.

Next Friday and Saturday, June 28 and 29, Tate St Ives is sharing an open invitation to local residents, businesses and anyone else interested, to discuss the transformation of the Palais De Danse.

Built on the site of an old naval school, the Palais de Danse is one of the most unique spaces in the heart of St Ives. Formerly a cinema and dance hall, the Palais was also an important hub for community events during the Second World War and beyond.

The building was bought by Barbara Hepworth in 1961 to use as her second studio.

Visitors are invited to come along to discuss the updated plans with Adam Khan Architects and Tate curators, and to share their thoughts and questions on the future of the historic building ahead of Tate submitting its planning application.

Outside the Palais de Danse from Barnoon Hill. Photo: Historic England/Samantha Barnes

The free public consultation events follow previous open days held at the Palais de Danse in April, which aimed to share initial ideas about how Tate plans to uncover the building’s history, whilst shaping its future as a creative space for the community.

This next series of drop-in sessions will take place in the courtyard of the Palais de Danse, where light refreshments will be served.

Visitors will be invited to tour the building’s celebrated dancehall and to share memories and photographs of the Palais from the 1940s, 50s, 60s and beyond.

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Tate St Ives will also be offering tours of the neighbouring Barbara Hepworth Museum and Sculpture Garden, providing the chance to explore the full breadth of Hepworth’s life and work in St Ives.

Due to limited capacity within the building, visitors will need to pre-book their free ticket to attend by visiting the website, or by calling 01736 796226. You can also email

The Palais de Danse in March 1961 (Image: Tate St Ives)

Tate St Ives has been awarded development funding towards the transformation of the Palais de Danse from The National Lottery Heritage Fund.

The project to transform the Palais de Danse has also received support from a number of trusts, foundations and individuals, including The Headley Trust, The Bowness Family, The Hepworth Estate, The Porthmeor Fund, and The Bridget Riley Art Foundation.