The Coronation: Remembering 1953

The King’s Coronation will be another big moment for Judy Birdwood, who took part in the Queen’s Coronation in 1953.Miss Birdwood was just 12 when she had the joy of being a girl guide, one of only 200 who were chosen to march down The Mall for the big day.Judy speaks about the respectful hush that descended as the Queen went past and how ‘It was a great treat’. She remembers clambering onto the Victoria Memorial outside Buckingham Palace to get a closer look at the Queen in the golden coach. Just as there are already people camping out to get a glimpse of King Charles days in advance, similarly, hundreds slept in tents to witness the Queen’s Coronation.In 1953, 32 million people watched the ceremony on TV and 300 million globally are expected to tune in on Saturday.Eighty years ago the street parties feasted on Coronation chicken but this weekend they will have swapped that for the Coronation Quiche with it’s authentic British broad beans.Judy hopes that she will be able to join the crowds for the King’s Coronation but due to her blind disability she may have to join those listening to it on the wireless, as many did in 1953.