Fine Gael LGBTQ+ publishes 56 recommendations to government for developing a more inclusive Ireland

Fine Gael LGBTQ+ posing with Leo Varadkar and the new policy document.
Fine Gael LGBTQ+ posing with Leo Varadkar and the new policy document.

On Monday, May 8, Fine Gael LGBTQ+ launched Building on Progress: An Inclusive Ireland, a policy document designed to guide officials toward developing a more equal society. It makes 56 recommendations across seven government departments, namely Education, Equality, Foreign Affairs, Health, Housing & Local Government, Justice and Sport.

In the publication, the group outlines over 20 pressing issues that LGBTQ+ people face in Ireland today. These include HIV transmissions, transgender healthcare, hate crimes, safety in schools, conversion therapy, surrogacy, participation in sport, global rights, homelessness and more.

Fine Gael LGBTQ+ reports having engaged with several queer organisations and stakeholders to develop the document, with Chairperson Jacob Whelan saying that by working together, “We can build on hard-won progress and create a more equal society in our country”.

The group’s Vice Chair and Minister of State at the Department of Finance, Jennifer Carroll MacNeill, added: “We are committed to furthering the recommendations of ‘Building on Progress: A More Inclusive Ireland’, working in collaboration with local communities and nationally with all interested stakeholders.”


The document was created independently by Fine Gael LGBTQ+, a voluntary organisation made up of party members, staff and Oireachtas officials. While it has been submitted to Fine Gael for consideration, it has not been officially adopted as policy.

On Wednesday, May 3, parliamentary members of the party held a briefing to have a “constructive and positive conversation” on LGBTQ+ issues.

Speaking after the discussion, Fine Gael LGBTQ+ member, Luke Corkery, commented: “I think there is consensus that we have produced a comprehensive document with real, deliverable policy goals across a wide array of sectors. It was encouraging to see Fine Gael Ministers, TDs and Senators alike throw their support behind it.

‘The help of our public representatives will be key to progressing our recommendations,” Corkery concluded.


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