Fire Country EP Teases Fallout of [Spoiler]’s Death During ‘Fire-Nado,’ What’s Next for #Bodiela

The following contains spoilers for the April 5 episode of CBS’ Fire Country.

Fire Country‘s plan was to return from its March Madness break “with a bang,” and boy did it.

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The fifth episode of this 10-episode season found Bode, Cara and Diego in quite a predicament. Inside the crashed/flipped ambulance, Cara was impaled (but alive), but neither Bode (handcuffed to his gurney), Diego (pinned down in the driver’s seat by a branch) nor the guard (R.I.P., guard!) could reach her to help. Nor could Diego reach the guard’s keys, to free Bode. (Not helping matters, once Diego did fish for said keys, Cara lurched forward to grab them when tossed, exacerbating her wound. Ugh.)

Elsewhere, Vince, Sharon, Jake and Gabriela contended with a fire tornado — after Jake let slip that Cara’s sister is in fact her daughter and Bode is (possibly) Gen’s father. While processing that bombshell, the Cal Fire crew helped a girls’ soccer team and coach find shelter from the fiery twister.

Eve, Manny and the Three Rockers, meanwhile, camped out in a bar — was that Smokey’s? If so, why’d the rifle-toting owner treat them like strangers? — where tensions ran high given Eve’s plan to send Cole back to the hoosegow.

Eagle Egilsson, who directed the eventful hour, “is wonderful,” raves Fire Country showrunner Tia Napolitano. “He tells story with these innovative shots that you just never see coming. The cinematography of them rolling through where the fire tornado had passed, and the swings are on fire, the world is on fire…? My God, it’s beautiful.”

In the end, Cara wound up dying from a subdural hematoma… Bode and Diego reached a certain peace regarding the former’s groggy declaration of love for Gaby… Vince and Sharon, whilst huddled under a rig as the tornado came through, avowed that they are #TL4E and #M4E… Eve changed her mind about Cole after hearing about the death he (accidentally!) caused… and Bode and Gabriela agreed they they will always love each other (but as “family,” the latter said).

Here is everything Fire Country showrunner Tia Napolitano shared with TVLine about the big twists (and twister) unleashed heading into the back half of this season, and how Edgewater’s finest will be affected moving forward.

For How Long Has Fire Country Wanted to Unleash a ‘Fire Tornado’?

For How Long Has Fire Country Wanted to Unleash a ‘Fire Tornado’?
For How Long Has Fire Country Wanted to Unleash a ‘Fire Tornado’?

For a minute! “At the beginning of the season, we have all of the writers pitch incidents that excite them,” says showrunner Tia Napolitano. “[We tell them] ‘Go out into the world and see what’s actually out there — in nature, in NorCal — and come back with the coolest, most interesting events.” It was David Gould, who wrote this week’s “This Storm Shall Pass,” who “found” the fire tornado, “held onto it, and then just went for it with 205,” says Napolitano. “It was an obvious winner in the room when we were pitching what incidents we can fit into this 10-episode season.”

Did said tornado and the many visual effects it and its destruction necessitated cost a pretty penny? Napolitano simply smiles and says, “We ‘invested’ in Episode 205.”

Was There Discussion of Killing Off Diego Instead of Cara?

Was There Discussion of Killing Off Diego Instead of Cara?
Was There Discussion of Killing Off Diego Instead of Cara?

In a word, nope. “I feel like Diego dying is a cop-out of our love triangle,” whereas “we want to see that straight to the end,” Napolitano explains. The Cara character, conversely, always had an expiration date. “When I pitched this season, a piece of it was always the question of ‘Who is Gen’s biological father?’ And that Cara is going to die before we find out,” shares the EP. As Bode’s ex, Jake’s almost-fiancée and Gen’s mom, “She’s so interwoven into our worlds at the time she dies, we always knew that [her death] was going to happen in a big way when we came back from the break.”

What Will Cara’s Death Mean for Jake, and Gen’s Possi-Dad Bode?

What Will Cara’s Death Mean for Jake, and Gen’s Possi-Dad Bode?
What Will Cara’s Death Mean for Jake, and Gen’s Possi-Dad Bode?

“In no configuration do we want to watch these two best friends fight over a girl, even though it’s not a romantic girl,” Napolitano makes clear. Rather, “What our show does best is show you this big beautiful family” ready to heal Gen’s wounds. “Cara says Gen is going to need all the love she can get, and that plays out,” Napolitano previews. “Our whole world embraces this girl in a way that feels very comforting, because she’s lost so much. It isn’t just about Jake and Bode — they’re a huge piece of it — it’s about our entire cast, making sure this poor little one’s OK.”

Just to Be Clear, Bode Isn’t Necessarily Gen’s Dad…?

Just to Be Clear, Bode Isn’t Necessarily Gen’s Dad…?
Just to Be Clear, Bode Isn’t Necessarily Gen’s Dad…?

No; all that Cara said during her slow death inside the ambulance was that she wants it to be Bode. “Be there for her — she needs all the love she can get, from you and Jake” was the gist of her reconciliatory words, Napolitano reminds. “She’s not like, ‘Oh by the way, I paternity-tested her and it’s you.’ There is no paternity test.”

Are Vince and Sharon Done With Their Rough Patch?

Are Vince and Sharon Done With Their Rough Patch?
Are Vince and Sharon Done With Their Rough Patch?

Coming out of Sharon’s time away working the Campaign fire, followed by Liam’s arrival/pursuit of her in Edgewater, Bode’s folks were trying to keep their spark alive. But the words exchanged as they cowered beneath the rig during the fire tornado, “That was them saying, ‘We are forever,’” says Napolitano. “It is a healing moment, a gut check. When push comes to shove and about to face death, all they have to say to each other is, ‘You’re it for me,” which is “the most romantic version” of such a reconciliation.

Is the Bode/Gabriela/Diego Love Triangle Officially Dunzo?

Is the Bode/Gabriela/Diego Love Triangle Officially Dunzo?
Is the Bode/Gabriela/Diego Love Triangle Officially Dunzo?

Ha, you must be new to TV to ask such a thing. Revisiting the exes’ meet-up after Cara’s funeral, Napolitano notes, “It’s interesting because she says to him, ‘I love you, you’re family’ — like, what, they’re siblings now? So that is either a lie, or the gentlest let-down of all time.” Also, “They do hold hands” and “I don’t think ‘siblings’ would reach out and hold hands in that moment,” the EP chuckles. “Obviously, they are someone special to each other, and that doesn’t get erased just because she’s planning to marry someone else.”

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