Firefighters Conduct Safety Checks on Buildings Following Earthquakes Near Naples

Firefighters conducted 63 safety checks on buildings following the earthquakes that shook the city of Pozzuoli in southern Italy on the evening of Monday, May 20.

Footage released by Vigili del Fuoco shows teams of firefighters inspecting buildings in the cities of Pozzuoli and Bacoli on Tuesday, May 21.

The firefighters said technical specialists from the regions of Lazio, Puglia and Molise were invited to take part in the operation.

The strongest earthquake on Monday was of 4.4 magnitude, according to the Civil Protection Department.

The department said that no one was injured during the earthquakes, but that 39 families had to be evacuated from their homes.

According to news reports, many residents decided to spend the night sleeping in their cars for fear that their homes might collapse following the earthquakes, and others left the city altogether, causing chaos in the streets. Credit: Vigili del Fuoco via Storyful

Video transcript


Quindi si apre la scheda numero di schede e si chiude con l'assegnazione al quindi More S, Vincenzo Masone.

S, il testo Vaghissimo, diciamo.

Senti, io