Firefighters rush to crane fire in Southampton city centre

Firefighters battle crane fire in Southampton <i>(Image: Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service)</i>
Firefighters battle crane fire in Southampton (Image: Hampshire and Isle of Wight Fire and Rescue Service)

Firefighters have rushed to Southampton city centre after smoke was seen coming from a 38-metre-high crane.

Fire crews descended on Hanover Buildings yesterday after smoke was seen coming from the crane situated on a construction site.

An aerial ladder was used to reach the cab and extinguish the fire involving the motor unit.

Its temperature was then monitored until it had cooled to a safe temperature.

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Teams from St Mary's attended with specialist rope rescue firefighters alerted in case they were required to assist.

The incident took place at around 4.30pm yesterday afternoon (June 25).

Emergency services left the scene at around 6pm having handed the incident back to the onsite team.