Firefighters tackling large blaze at derelict hotel in Newquay

Firefighters at the scene of the fire <i>(Image: St Dennis Community Fire Station)</i>
Firefighters at the scene of the fire (Image: St Dennis Community Fire Station)

Firefighters are tackling a large fire at the derelict Hotel California in Newquay.

Firefighters were called to the hotel at 3.56pm this afternoon to the large fire at the Hotel California in Pentire, Newquay.

Firefighters at the scene (Image: St Dennis Community Fire Station)

A spokesperson for Cornwall Fire and Rescue service said they were in attendance at a large derelict building in Newquay.

The derelict hotel is well alight (Image: St Dennis Community Fire Station)

"We are in attendance at a large derelict building in the Newquay area. We have multiple resources in attendance. The news desk will be updated as soon as practicable," they said.

St Dennis Community Fire Station posted on its Facebook page saying there were so many pumps at the scene, they weren't sure exactly how many there were.

They said good progress was being made: "Hotel California Fire, "Newquay. Unsure on exact amount of pumps in attendance. 10+ pumps. 2 ALP’s. Specials. Good progress being made."

We'll update this story as we get more info.