Fishcross pensioner killed by confused husband on eve of golden wedding anniversary

Pictures of the scene outside the house in Fishcross where the murder took place -Credit:Stirling Observer
Pictures of the scene outside the house in Fishcross where the murder took place -Credit:Stirling Observer

A confused pensioner carried out a murderous attack which left his wife dead in a pool of blood on the kitchen floor of their family home.

Dementia sufferer John Pryde carried out a “sustained and violent attack” which killed Kate Pryde, 74, as the Fishcross couple approached their golden wedding anniversary.

The High Court in Dundee heard how Pryde - known as Ian - inflicted injuries on his wife which were equivalent to her having been in a car

Mrs Pryde, who was underweight and had an underlying heart problem, sustained significant rotational injuries and 16 fractures to her ribs.

Her voice box was broken and she was covered in injuries to her head and body which suggested she had tried to fight off her husband’s attack.

Advocate Depute Mark Mohammed said: “It is entirely obvious from the evidence that the deceased was assaulted. The assault was murderous.

“It is clear this was a sustained and violent attack and, in the words of the pathologist, is indicative of significant force to the head and neck.

“This was clearly a very tragic case for all the parties and all family members from both sides of the family. The Crown accepts that what the accused did was totally out of character.

“This was an entirely happy, normal and loving relationship and his actions that night were entirely driven by his significant cognitive impairment and that is the only reason this has happened.”

Lord Arthurson ruled: “I am satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that the accused committed the acts libelled, and further, that on the balance of probabilities there are grounds for his acquittal.

“This is a truly tragic case. The couple married in 1973.

“As at the date of Mrs Pryde’s death plans were being made to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary.

“The deceased was his sole carer. Both continued to live together and I am satisfied they were alone together in the house at the time of the deceased’s death.

“There was no third party involved.

“The accused assaulted the deceased at the house. It is plain on any view that this was a murderous attack,” the judge said.

“The number, nature and extent of the injuries are supportive of the Crown proposition that it was violent and sustained.

“The injury to the brain was of a nature associated with severe rotational force, such as seen in road traffic accidents, falls from significant heights or severe assaults.

“I have found that he was indeed the perpetrator of what I have determined to be a murderous attack upon her. It is very clear that what I have held he did was wholly out of character.

“Family members described him as easy-going and, as one put it, he was a gentle soul.

“For half a century, he and the deceased had enjoyed a strong, fulfilling and loving relationship.”

Pryde was found to have inflicted blunt force trauma to his wife’s head, neck and body by unknown means in their home at 7 The Engine Green, Fishcross, Clackmannanshire, on 18 or 19 March last year.

He was found to have opened the dishwasher door onto her head while she was on the floor, whereby she was severely injured and died, and he murdered her.

Pryde was formally acquitted as a result of his mental disorder at the time and an interim compulsion order was made to keep him in the State Hospital at Carstairs.

A further hearing will take place at Glasgow High Court on 26 June to determine whether long-term compulsion or guardianship will be imposed.

The examination of facts - which was heard by a single judge and without a jury - heard that Pryde’s mixed vascular/Alzheimer’s dementia was rapidly worsening prior to the fatal attack.

He was described during the hearing as a “gentle soul” who collected cacti and had previously been a keen hillwalker and skier.

But his condition meant he became easily confused and struggled to find words and was being formally cared for by Mrs Pryde at the time of her death.

The tragedy came to light when Pryde went to his neighbour’s home and told her there was “a body in his house” and he wanted help to phone the emergency services.

When paramedics arrived to find Mrs Pryde’s bloodied and lifeless body, Pryde told them: “I might be the cause of all this bother. I have lashed out and hit people.”

He also stated that he had been fighting with a man in the pub the previous evening, although the court heard the couple had been at home together and he had not been out.

Pryde - who had a charge of trying to pervert the course of justice by cleaning up dropped by the Crown - had made efforts to wash away bloodstains around the home.

Catherine Pryde was killed in the attack
Catherine Pryde was killed in the attack -Credit:Daily Record

Pryde, who was not present in court after being deemed unfit to stand trial, had asked his neighbour if the body in his kitchen was his wife of 50 years.

PC Robyn Gibb, 26, told the court: “Straight away I noticed blood on the walls. I went through to the kitchen and found Kate. She was on the kitchen floor next to the oven.

“She was clearly deceased with extensive injuries to her head and body.

“I went to the living room and saw Ian.

“He was calm, but confused. He was not really sure what was going on.

“He was saying to me he wasn’t sure who was lying in the kitchen and the neighbour said ‘It’s Kate.’

“He kept saying ‘is it my Kate?’ He was really confused.

“He said there was someone in his kitchen but he didn’t know who it was.

“He was not tearful or anything like that. He said he was worried that if it turned out that he had done that he was worried that he would get in trouble.”

Relatives told the court that Pryde had been diagnosed with dementia some time earlier and had become worse prior to his wife’s death in March

Detective Sergeant Ross Duthie, 49, later interviewed Pryde and said: “I formed the opinion he was absolutely unaware of everything that was going on.”

Consultant psychiatrist Dr Prathima Apurva, 47, said: “Based on how he presented to me soon after his admission I couldn’t quite get how he could have appreciated what happened and how it happened.

“On balance, I found that he lacked criminal responsibility. It is unlikely he appreciate the nature and wrongfulness of the act.

“It is by reason of his mental disorder, which is the mixed dementia.”