Fitness coach explains little-known fact about grated cheese - saying that's why she'll never buy it

Fresh hard cheese grated on a large grater on a wooden cutting board on a dark concrete background
She says it is best to grate your own cheese -Credit:Getty

A fitness coach has explained why she will never buy grated cheese - and it's nothing to do with the price. Danni Duncan says people often opt for the grated - or shredded - version for convenience.

And while shows like Eat Well for Less have highlighted the prepared version costs more Danni says she has a different reason. For she says you get more than just cheese in the grated packs.

Posting on TikTok she told followers you get additives in shredded cheese to stop it sticking together. In her viral video she first shows a mozzarella cheese in a block.

Running through the ingredients it contains pasteurised milk, starter cultures and non-animal rennet. That's it. Then she turns to the shredded version of the same cheese.

She said: "I know some people go ‘I’m gonna get the grated one because it’s easier and it’s exactly the same. Incorrect'.”

This time in addition to the cheese ingredients in the block there is an anti-caking agent (460) and a preservative (200)

“See this? Not the same, because when you grate it - have you ever grated your own cheese - it sticks together. They need to make something that doesn’t stick together and it lasts longer.

“Because once something’s not in its natural form anymore it's like fruit, once the skin's off it starts to go off and they need to put a preservative in it. So yes, grate your own cheese.”

The 460 anti-caking agent is made of cellulose, according to the Food Standards Agency. Preservative 200 is sorbic acid.

Followers of the Australian fitness coach were "windblown" at the news with many welcoming the information while others agreed with her. Bella said: "Absolutely. All grated cheese has Anti-caking ingredients. Doesn’t affect the taste but does affect consistency."

Harley said: "Always grate mine.. it cooks better, cheaper and tastes better." and Natashia added: "Mind blown! Thank you for this." Jack added: "OMG who would have known?"

Mrnobody added: "That’s why I haven’t bought grated cheese in a decade." Infected backed her saying: "Can confirm. Have worked for BEGA cheese in their shred department and have been part of every process from start to finish. Grate it as you need it."

Fire and Frost Jewellery wrote: "I always thought it was flour but I just googled it. It may cause increased stool production, gas and bloating. Other side effects include depression, forgetfulness, lack of energy, and headaches."

MysticSpirit said: "Thank you.. good to know." Azzy said: "Ok but I can't shovel a handful of it into my mouth at 3am when I need a lil snacky snack."

But others were not convinced. Cloverlief said: "Hmmm... sit there for 10-20 minutes grating every time I want nachos, or buy pre-grated, and a little plant fibre. I think I will stick to pre-grated."

B9ice said: "Just googled and they're completely fine to consume? what's the issue?"

Danni responded to the critics. She posted: "Additives and preservatives are detrimental to our health. So the grated isn’t as good for us. I get amazed that I’m trying to get people to eat better and there’s still people fighting it."