Fitness icon Denise Austin shares secrets on 'the best time to get fit' (Exclusive)

Denise Austin has been a leading presence in the fitness space for nearly four decades now and, considering that she's as fit as ever at the age of 62, she knows a thing or two about maintaining your fitness as you get older.

The fitness instructor recently sat down with AOL to share some of her most crucial tips for people who are in their 40s, 50s and 60s, revealing some easy things that people who are hoping to live a healthier lifestyle can do to kickstart a change.

"When a lot of people hit 50, they give up. They think it's too hard, they can't do it," Austin told AOL. "I think this is the best time to get fit."

For all of Denise Austin's tips on staying fit in your 40s, 50s and 60s, watch the video at the top of the page.

The former "Getting Fit with Denise Austin" host went on to explain that, depending on your age, there are different approaches that you should be taking to the kinds of workouts that you incorporate into your routine.

"In your 20s and 30s, you're nice and fit naturally, but then by the age of 40, you really need to do some fat-burning workouts, some cardio, some HIIT workouts," she said. "By 50, you should be doing some target toning to firm up those 640 muscles. You have some time: Take care of your health! And then, in the 60s and beyond, stretching and flexibility and balance and stability exercises are the key."

And, once you find exercises that you enjoy, don't get complacent, as Austin told us that "the key [to working out over 40] is to change it up on a regular basis."

The mother of two also acknowledged that getting yourself moving can be easier said than done, especially if you've found yourself becoming stagnant as of late. For her, it's about starting small, working small movements into your everyday life and gradually working up to more intensive and longer workouts.

"If you haven't exercised in years, one of the best things to do is to start with just 10 minutes a day," she explained. "10 minutes will boost your metabolism and make you feel good."

Another way to approach it? Start your day with just five minutes of work, just like Austin does.

"I love a 5-minute wakeup workout," she said, adding that tightening your tummy for just five seconds is equivalent to one sit-up. "This energizes the body, and gets you ready for a good mindset."

And, when it comes to your diet, Austin doesn't believe in starving yourself or depriving yourself of things that make you happy. She goes by an 80-20 rule: Eat well 80 percent of the time, and treat yourself 20 percent of the time.

In order words, let yourself indulge, but do it in moderation. Oh, and definitely let yourself have that glass of red wine at the end of a long day -- Denise Austin does, and so can you!

Get more fitness, wellness and exercise tips and tricks from Denise Austin's website.