Five plants that will keep rats away from your home

Brown rat, Rattus norvegicus
-Credit: (Image: Getty Images)

Rats can quickly become a significant problem if they choose to make your garden or home their new residence. These pests can cause considerable damage to properties in a short amount of time.

Homes, cars, and gardens are all at risk when rats are present.

Rats also pose a health risk as they can transmit infectious diseases to both humans and pets. Once a rat infestation is identified, it's vital to act quickly to eliminate these pests and ensure they don't return.

However, there's also a preventative measure you can take - planting certain types of plants, according to the Express.

Pest control experts at Top Best Pest Services suggest that the key to preventing a rat infestation lies in growing plants that naturally repel rats. They've identified five such plants, reports the Mirror.

Plants to deter rats

1. Allium

Allium is a plant with a recognisable flower that emits a sweet scent, much like most flowers. What you might not know is that alliums are related to onions, garlic, and leeks.

The experts said: "These may smell nice when cooked, but the raw 'oniony' scent of the allium plant is more than enough to ward away rats and even mice."

2. Mint

Mint is known for its pleasant scent, flavour, and sensation. Fortunately, this benefit is only applicable to humans and not pests - particularly rats.

For rats, "the scent of mint is utterly revolting", just like other strong and overwhelming scents.

As you might know, rats have an extraordinary sense of smell, which is exactly why they're so good at sniffing out food to pilfer. Mint, especially peppermint with its strong minty essence, is often cited as "one of the best plants that repel rats".

3. Lavender

Lavender isn't just valued for its stress-relieving qualities and soothing fragrance; it also doubles up as a deterrent against pests. The scent of lavender is "overwhelming to rats".

With this in mind, experts recommend placing several lavender plants around your garden to ensure your home "will be clear of rats".

4. Wood hyacinth

Wood hyacinth, or Spanish bluebell, is renowned for "a long history of proving itself to be one of the best plants that repel rats". Gardeners have noted for generations that incorporating wood hyacinths in their gardens "drastically reduces the number of rats that invade and feed from the garden".

While some may appreciate this plant for its decorative appeal, it actually acts like "silent scent-powered bodyguards that keep rats and mice at bay".

5. Sweet pea

The flowers of sweet peas are strikingly pink and give off a "flowery" and "sweet" aroma. Thanks to their potent and pleasant smell, "rats and mice are repelled" by these plants.