Five things you should have on your CV to guarantee an interview

5 things you should have on your CV to guarantee an interview
5 things you should have on your CV to guarantee an interview -Credit:Getty

Writing a CV can be a difficult task for anyone - and writing a standout one is even harder. Having a strong CV can be the difference between landing an interview and getting lost in the shuffle.

To help increase your chances of securing an interview, it's essential to ensure your CV includes a number of key elements that will effectively showcase your skills, experiences, and qualifications. Mads Singers, founder of Aristo Sourcing, has shared five crucial components that should be incorporated into every CV, along with specific tips and examples to help you stand out.

A compelling summary or profile statement

Mads said that your CV should start with a powerful summary or profile statement that grabs the attention of hiring managers. This section should briefly highlight your key skills, experiences, and accomplishments, giving employers a glimpse of what you bring to the table.

Mads added: "Your summary should act as a teaser, enticing recruiters to want to learn more about you." For example, instead of a generic statement like ‘experienced marketing professional,’ consider something more impactful, such as ‘results-driven marketing strategist with a proven track record of driving revenue growth and brand awareness for Fortune 500 companies.’

Relevant keywords tailored to the job description

Many companies use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to screen CVs before they even reach human eyes. To ensure your CV gets past this initial screening, including relevant keywords tailored to the job description is crucial.

Mads said: "Carefully review the job posting and incorporate relevant keywords and phrases throughout your CV. For instance, if the job requires proficiency in a specific software program or industry terminology, include those keywords in your CV."

Quantifiable achievements and results

Employers are interested in more than just your responsibilities; they want to know the impact you've made in previous roles. Use quantifiable achievements and results to demonstrate your effectiveness and success.

Mads added: "Whenever possible, use numbers and metrics to quantify your accomplishments." For example, instead of simply stating 'increased sales revenue,' you could say, 'drove a 25% increase in sales revenue within the first quarter through targeted marketing campaigns.'

A well-organised layout with clear sections

A well-organised layout enhances the readability of your CV and makes it easier for recruiters to navigate. Divide your CV into clear sections, such as ‘Professional Experience,’ ‘Education,’ ‘Skills,’ and ‘Achievements.’

Use bullet points to highlight key details and keep each section concise. Mads said: "Your CV should be visually appealing and easy to skim through. Consider using bold headings and bullet points to draw attention to important information."

Up-to-date contact information and professional online presence links

Remember to include up-to-date contact information, including your phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile. Your LinkedIn profile can provide recruiters with additional insights into your professional background and accomplishments.

Mads said: "Make sure your LinkedIn profile is complete and up-to-date, and consider customising your LinkedIn URL to make it look more professional."

Incorporating these five elements into your CV will help you make a strong impression on potential employers and stand out as a top candidate in the competitive job market. Mads added: "Your CV is your first opportunity to make a lasting impression, so make it count."