Five things Theresa May seems to think are less important than an Easter Egg hunt

Theresa May was quick to speak up about Cadbury's egg hunt (Reuters/Getty Images)
Theresa May was quick to speak up about Cadbury’s egg hunt (Reuters/Getty Images)

Theresa May today condemned Cadbury and the National Trust for apparently removing references to ‘Easter’ from their annual egg hunt.

The Prime Minister gave a surprisingly vigorous response to the debacle, telling ITV News: ‘I’m not just a vicar’s daughter – I’m a member of the National Trust as well.

‘I think the stance they have taken is absolutely ridiculous. I don’t know what they are thinking about frankly.

‘Easter’s very important. It’s important to me. It’s a very important festival for the Christian faith for millions across the world. So I think what the National Trust is doing is frankly just ridiculous.’

Easter appears prominently on both websites
Easter appears prominently on both websites

Unfortunately the PM failed to get her facts straight before ploughing into the debate.

A quick glance at the Cadbury and National trust websites show that both are cheerfully daubing the word ‘Easter’ over their campaign materials, despite accusations to the contrary.

And another, more serious, issue has arisen from Mrs May’s robust stance on the issue of chocolate eggs, which she declared the day after reports emerged a government benefits shake-up would push 250,000 children into poverty.

Namely, the matters on which Mrs May has resolutely refused to speak out.

Chemical warfare in Syria

Horrifying news has emerged that a toxic gas attack by the Syrian government had killed dozens of civilians, including children, in the rebel-held province of Idlib. While other world leaders immediately voiced their disgust, Theresa May chose to first comment on an erroneous accusation against an Easter egg hunt.

Saudi Arabia’s human rights abuses

Mrs May lashed out at Cadbury while on a trip to Saudi Arabia, a country where Christians can be arrested, deported or imprisoned for practicing their faith, including by celebrating Easter. In addition, women are not permitted to drive, prisoners are routinely tortured and the death penalty is used as a punishment for non-violent crimes.

She has failed to condemn the behaviour of Saudi Arabia, instead defending the UK’s relationship with the country, saying: ‘It’s in our British national interest to have good relations around the world so we can trade around the world – that brings jobs and prosperity to the UK.’

Mrs May repeatedly dodged calls to condemn Trump's Muslim travel ban (Getty Images)
Mrs May repeatedly dodged calls to condemn Trump’s Muslim travel ban (Getty Images)

Donald Trump’s Muslim ban

The Prime Minister stayed steadfastly tight-lipped about Donald Trump’s Presidential Order banning travellers from seven majority-Muslim countries from entering the U.S.

Instead of denouncing the ban, she said: ‘The United States is responsible for United States policy on refugees. The UK is responsible for UK policy on refugees.’

The Daily Mail’s ‘Legs-it’ front page

When the Daily Mail decided to use a picture of Theresa May and Nicola Sturgeon on its front page beneath the headline ‘Never mind Brexit, who won Legs-it!’, it was universally condemned for blatant sexism. Except by the PM, who called the incident ‘a bit of fun’.

Calls to go to war over Gibraltar

Former Tory leader Michael Howard said on Sunday that Theresa May would defend Gibraltar in the way Margaret Thatcher defended the Falklands in the ’80s. When questioned by journalists about the fiasco, the Prime Minister laughed off questions, and avoided any criticism of Lord Howard’s rhetoric.