Five new UK cycling laws from today - with cyclists facing 14 years in prison

Cyclists could face up to 14 years in prison under tough new traffic rules. From today, May 16, the government has agreed to introduce new laws meaning that cyclists who kill or seriously injure people through reckless actions face harsher penalties.

The Criminal Justice Bill has been changed for cyclists huilty of "causing death by dangerous, careless or inconsiderate cycling, and causing serious injury by careless or inconsiderate cycling" from today, the government announced.

On Wednesday night, MPs voted in favour of an amendment to the Criminal Justice Bill that would create three new offences: causing death by dangerous cycling; causing serious injury by dangerous cycling and causing death by careless or inconsiderate cycling.

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Below is each of the new laws and rules for cyclists in the country, with the changes rolled out amid a crackdown following support from former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith. Speaking in the Commons, Sir Ian described the new law as "urgent" and added: "This is not, as is often accused by people who say anything about it, anti-cycling.

"Quite the opposite, it's about making sure this takes place in a safe and reasonable manner."

Causing death by dangerous cyling

Transport Secretary Mark Harper announced his support for the new rules, saying it would not apply to most cyclists, who are responsible and considerate. He added: "But it’s only right that the tiny minority who recklessly disregard others face the full weight of the law for doing so.

"Just like car drivers who flout the law, we are backing this legislation introducing new offences around dangerous cycling. hese new measures will help protect law-abiding cyclists, pedestrians and other road users, whilst ensuring justice is done."

Causing serious injury by dangerous cycling

The new rules could see dangerous cyclists who kill or seriously injure other people face maximum prison sentences as long as 14 years. During his speech, Sir Ian made reference to Matthew Briggs, whose wife Kim died aged 44 after a cyclist collided with her in Old Street, east London.

The bicycle did not have a front brake and the 44-year-old suffered "catastrophic" head injuries - dying in hospital a week after the crash in February 2016. The cyclist, Charlie Alliston, was jailed for 18 months after he was found guilty at the Old Bailey of "wanton or furious driving", but was cleared of manslaughter.

Causing death by careless or inconsiderate cycling

The new rules also relate to causing death by careless or inconsiderate cycling. Dangerous cycling is already laid out in the Road Traffic Act, which includes riding in a way which "falls far below what would be expected of a competent and careful cyclist" and which "would be obvious to a competent and careful cyclist that riding in that way would be dangerous".

Maintenance of bikes

The proposed law would require cyclists to make sure their vehicle "is equipped and maintained" in a legal way, including by keeping brakes in working order.

E-bikes and e-scooters

It would apply to incidents involving pedal cycles, e-bikes, e-scooters and e-unicycles.