Flight attendant's plea to passengers to stop ordering one nuisance drink on planes

There are certain drinks that flight attendants hate serving (STOCK IMAGE)
There are certain drinks that flight attendants hate serving (STOCK IMAGE) -Credit:Getty Images/iStockphoto

When ordering a drink on a plane, most passengers are mostly concerned with what's on offer - as the selection can often be quite limited.

But for those serving the beverages, there are other things to consider, including managing to avoid spilling drinks while flying through the air at 30,000ft.

And there is one drink that poses even more problems for cabin crew, with one flight attendant revealing that she and her colleagues groan internally whenever they are asked for the nuisance drink, The Mirror reports.

Jet, who blogs about her experience working on aircraft, said that fizzy drinks tend to foam a lot more due to the altitude, and the "worst culprit" for this is Diet Coke.

She said: "I literally have to sit and wait for the bubbles to fall before I can continue pouring. If all three passengers ask for Diet Coke I'll often get them started, take another three drink orders, serve those, and then finish the Diet Cokes.

"What you can't see is that the Diet Coke doesn't come out of the can when flipped upside down until you lift it up and tilt it slightly.

"This is because the air pressure is keeping the Coke in the can. It makes pouring the Diet Coke very controllable and reduces the chances of spilling or overflow."

There is also another issue with ordering Diet Coke and other soft drinks. As the air inside a plane is much drier than on the ground, mixing fizzy juice and alcohol can make you feel unwell.

As well as this, carbonated beverages can lead to gas and heartburn, both of which are uncomfortable sensations during a flight.

Another cabin crew member, known on TikTok as @brodie. capron, took to the social media platform to dispel some common misconceptions - including the safety of drinking tap water on a flight.

Many passengers question whether it's safe to drink anything other than bottled water on flights, due to rumours that the water filter is rarely cleaned. But Brodie debunked these myths, asserting that the tap water on her flights with Virgin is "filtered and clean".

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