Florida teacher says she's under investigation for showing students Disney's Strange World

A Florida teacher says she is under investigation "for indoctrination" by the Florida Department of Education after showing her students the animated Disney film Strange World, which features an out gay character.

Fifth grade teacher Jenna Barbee posted a video on TikTok sharing she chose the movie because it was related to what the students were learning. "Our unit at the time was earth science and ecosystems," she said, "and how they interact, plants, humans, animals — so this movie's perfect. My thought process was what a better way to showcase all these standards as well as huge lessons of overcoming differences, spreading kindness, communication, and chasing your dreams... is a character in the movie LGBTQ? Absolutely. Is that why I showed it? No."

Barbee continued, "I have a lot of fifth grade students who have come to me this year, long before showing this movie, talking about how they're a part of that community as well, and it's not a big deal to me, so I just said, 'That's awesome. Do you.' Not pushing anything just being accepting."

Strange World
Strange World

Disney Disney's 'Strange World'

Barbee says she had previously sent home permission slips, along with the rest of the fifth grade teachers, at the beginning of the year and got them "with no objections to specific content." However, after showing the movie in her class, which was only partly full due to it having been a day of state standardized testing, a parent, who also happened to be a member of the Hernando County School District Board, reported her to the state Department of Education.

A statement given to parents from the school district said, "Yesterday, the Disney movie 'Strange World' was shown in your child's classroom. While not the main plot of the movie, parts of the story involves a male character having and expressing feelings for another male character. In the future, this movie will not be shown. The school administration and the district's Professional Standards Dept. is currently reviewing the matter to see if further corrective action is required."

The parent's complaint is related to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' controversial "Don't Say Gay" legislation, which Disney has publicly opposed. The law, which opponents argue seeks to erase LGBTQ people and history from schools, states that conversations around sexual orientation and gender identity "may not occur" in schools from kindergarten through high school. Teachers who violate it face possible suspension and/or revocation of their teaching license.

EW has reached out to Disney and the Hernando School District Board for comment.

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