Footage Shows Fog-Shrouded Wreckage at Site of Iran President's Fatal Helicopter Crash

Search crews reached the site of Iranian President Ebrahim Raisi’s fatal helicopter crash on Monday, May 20.

According to Iranian media, the president “met with an accident while serving and performing his duty for the people of Iran and was martyred.”

The helicopter was carrying Raisi and other Iranian officials back from a meeting with Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev at the border between Iran and Azerbaijan.

Video filmed by Turkish journalist Adem Metan shows the fog-shrouded crash site and wreckage of the tail of the helicopter. Metan said authorities did not allow journalists at the scene to access the front half of the aircraft. Credit: Adem Metan via Storyful

Video transcript

Arkadalar, helikopterin dt yerdeyim.

u anda gerekten olduka ok zor artlarda geldik buraya.

unu syleyeyim.

helikopterin paralar daha aada.

Fakat oraya inmek gerekten.

mmkn deil.

Ancak buraya kadar gelebildim.

Grdnz gibi bakn arazi ne kadar engebeli.

Gerekten ok zor artlar altnda ulatk.

Buraya ite.

Grdnz gibi helikopterin kuyruk ksm burada n taraf yine burada.

Gerekten ok zor artlar altnda buraya geldik.

Onu belirteyim.

Yani Trk televizyonlar gerekten ok nemli ie imza attlar burada onu da belirteyim.

Yani belki de dnyada ilk kez Iran medyasnn dnda giren ekip Trk ekibi oldu ite.

Grdnz gibi helikopterin paralar.

Bakn burada burada bir kapak gryorsunuz.

Helikopterin gvde ksm burada ve yine kuyruk ksm burada.

Grdnz gibi zor artlarda ulatk.