Some Football Fans Hit Trump With Harsh 1-Finger Salute During Iowa vs. Iowa State Game

Several college football fans flipped the bird to former President Donald Trump as he waved to a crowd from a private suite at the Iowa vs. Iowa State game on Saturday.

Trump, who received a sea of cheers during a visit to a fraternity house before the game, got the one-finger salute from a number of fans as he and other GOP presidential candidates were on hand to check out the state’s intense college football rivalry.

More footage from the game, shared by Trump campaign staffer Margo Martin, showed fans hurling a mix of boos and cheers at the former president as he made his way through the stadium.

Social mediausers on X (formerly Twitter) later pointed to an altered video shared by a pro-Trump account that appeared to remove the boos from a video of the Iowa crowd, Mediaite reported.

Other Republican candidates didn’t escape harsh displays of disapproval from the crowd, either, as Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis — who watched the game with Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds — received the middle finger from a fan as he took a picture with Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-Iowa).

A fan also flipped off Vivek Ramaswamy at the game.

Trump continues to maintain his spot as the GOP front-runner, leading DeSantis by more than 39 percentage points in an average of national polls of the GOP primary, according to FiveThirtyEight.
