Foreign Office update guidance for anyone travelling to Italy after volcano warning

There are several active volcanoes in southern Italy
There are several active volcanoes in southern Italy -Credit:Getty Images/iStockphoto

The Foreign Office has updated guidance for people travelling to Italy.

The May half term will soon be upon us and families will be jetting off in search of some much needed sunshine. Holidaymakers heading to Italy have been warned by the Foreign Office as advice was changed about active volcanoes in the south of the country.

It said: "There are several active volcanoes in southern Italy. National emergency planning has been updated for Vesuvius as well as the Phlegraean fields, an area that remains active and which has experienced tremors in 2024."

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Italy and Iceland have the greatest concentration of active volcanoes in Europe. The Italian civil protection department said: "Those who live or are in the volcanic zone must be informed about their local authority’s emergency plan, to be able to follow the Civil Protection authorities’ instructions on what to do in cases of eruptions and any eventual evacuation operations, if required.

"Wrong information can be easily communicated during a crisis, with the risk of hampering the rescue work. For this reason it is important to follow the civil protection authorities’ instructions transmitted by radio, TV, in the daily press, on Internet and by the various toll-free numbers that will be set up.

"During eruptions, it is also important not heed the forbidden to enter signs at the areas involved by the eruption. It is dangerous to approach the crater area even if there is no eruptive activity as sudden explosive phenomena o gas emissions are always possible."

You can find specific instructions here

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