Foreign Office warns UK tourists in Italy, Spain, Greece 'attacks are likely'

The Foreign Office has issued Greece, Italy, and Spain travel warnings for British tourists. The warnings for the European Union holiday hotspots come amid rising temperatures and stifling heatwave which is scorching and sizzling the nations.

Warning of terror plots in Greece, the Foreign Office urged British holidaymakers to be cautious over issues "involving explosives and automatic weapons against Greek institutions, shopping malls, banks, media offices, diplomatic premises and the police".

"There is currently a heightened risk of such protests, particularly in central Athens," officials said. It also warned terrorists are "likely to try and carry out attacks in Spain", with a high threat level for a terrorist attack globally. "Attacks could be indiscriminate, including in places visited by foreign nationals," the UK government website warns.

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Holidaymakers are advised to "Stay aware of your surroundings, keep up to date with local media reports and follow the advice of local authorities." The Foreign Office said: "Demonstrations, political gatherings or marches can take place" in the country "with little or no warning, particularly in cities", and recommended visitors follow the advice of police and local authorities.

"While most demonstrations are peaceful, there is a risk of unrest or violence," the warning added. "If you’re near areas where demonstrations are taking place, be aware of what is happening around you and move away if there are signs of disorder."

"‘Highway pirates’ target foreign-registered and hire cars, especially those towing caravans. They may flag you down, claiming there is something wrong with your car or that you have damaged theirs," the Foreign Office added. "If you decide to stop to check the condition of a vehicle, stop in a public area with lights, such as a service station. Be wary of anyone offering help."

"Thieves also target coastal areas and towns, and motorway service stations," it warned on its travel advice page for Italy. "Avoid leaving luggage in your vehicle – even out of sight in the boot – for any length of time. Thieves may use a variety of methods to distract you or encourage you to stop your car, including asking for help or directions or pointing out a fictional fault with your car," the warning adds.