The Forest of Dean choir celebrating a milestone anniversary

A female voice choir based in the Forest of Dean which started with humble beginnings in the 1970s is due to mark an important anniversary for 2024. Originally called the Springfield Young Wives Choir it is now called the Springfield Singers.

It was Jean Morgan in 1976 who founded the group after the road she lived on, called Springfield Road in Lydney. Today, marking the 40th anniversary of the renamed group, there are members from within a 15-mile radius of the town.

It is an award-winning, friendly, vibrant female choir that enjoys being an important part of the Lydney community. The choir loves not just singing, but having fun and making friends.

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Singing a variety of music such as gospel, pop, classical, show songs and so much more, the Springfield Singers are open to ladies of all ages and welcomes all levels of vocal training, including ex-choristers, bathroom belters, hairbrush divas and those who have never sung in a choir before.

No auditions are required Judith James, the choir's secretary, said. "It is fantastic that we've been together this long. We are a supported choir, we are always here for everybody in the town and the friendships will be cherished for many years," she said.

The Springfield Singers
The Springfield Singers -Credit:Springfield Singers

Singing outside during the pandemic and singing to help with personal wellbeing are a moment in time and a good reason for being part of the group. New member in 2022, Kate Slater said: "I am such a newbie but I have felt at home with other people and everyone has been so welcoming with open arms."

"It has meant an awful lot to make this anniversary as we have had a lot of different uniforms and conductors!" choir member Joyce Marshall said. "Feeling part of a group as a whole is something special to embrace, no matter who you are and this is about entertaining people.