Forget Samsung - now Apple iPhone 7 catches fire in man’s car

Samsung might not be the only big phone company facing problems with its flagship phone bursting into flames - after an ‘exploding’ iPhone 7 gutted a car in Australia.

An Australian driver returned to his car after a surf lesson - and found his iPhone smouldering, and the car filled with smoke.

Mat Jones claims that the iPhone was brand new - just seven days old - and that he had only used official accessories to charge it.

He also says that the device has not been knocked during the week he owned it.

Jones says he placed the phone under his clothes, and returned to the car to find it full of smoke.


Jones told 7 News, ‘Ash was just coming from inside the pants which then, once you unwrapped the pants, the phone was just melting inside of it.’

Apple says it is aware of the incident, and is investigating.