Former Broome bishop Christopher Saunders charged with historical child sex offences

<span>Former bishop Christopher Saunders was due to appear in Broome magistrates court on Thursday.</span><span>Photograph: Rex Features</span>
Former bishop Christopher Saunders was due to appear in Broome magistrates court on Thursday.Photograph: Rex Features

The former bishop of Broome, Christopher Saunders, has been charged over historical child sex abuse allegations.

Western Australia police said the 74-year-old was arrested on Wednesday and charged with a number of historical offences.

The charges include two counts of sexual penetration without consent, 14 counts of unlawful and indecent assault, and three counts of indecently dealing with a child aged 16 to 18 as a person in authority.

Police said Saunders was refused bail and was due to appear in Broome magistrates court on Thursday. Saunders has previously denied any wrongdoing.

Child abuse detectives in January searched a Broome property which the ABC reported was the temporary home of the disgraced bishop emeritus.

WA police confirmed at the time they had spoken to a 74-year-old man in relation to their inquiries and he was released without charge.

Saunders has denied accusations he sexually assaulted and groomed young Aboriginal men in Western Australia over his 50-year career.

He stood aside in 2020 and Pope Francis accepted his resignation in 2021.

A Vatican inquiry was launched that was handed to WA police in May 2023.