Former DJ David Moran who sexually abused and exploited young boys in Fife jailed

A former DJ who sexually abused and exploited young boys has been jailed for six years.

David Moran, 51, targeted his three victims in Fife between 1988 and 1991.

The High Court in Edinburgh heard one victim was shown pornographic magazines and videos. Moran was said to have performed sex acts in front of the boy before abusing him.

A second child was also shown sex films and subjected to abuse. The court heard Moran had a photograph of his victim performing a sex act, which he threatened to disclose if he revealed what was taking place.

A third boy was also exposed to pornography by Moran and sexually abused.

One victim told the court that he was aged around 14 when he watched pornography in Moran's bedroom, while another said he was 13 or 14 when Moran offered him money to make a video of him performing a solo sex act.

The court heard one victim suffered nightmares and flashbacks after being subjected to serious sexual abuse by the older teenage Moran.

During his sentencing on Thursday, judge Norman McFadyen said he was satisfied that Moran had groomed the victims as he was an older male who had money, a car and what seemed like a "glamorous lifestyle" as an events and hospital radio DJ.

The judge said: "Clearly your behaviour has had a significant impact on them through into their adult lives.

"I am satisfied no sentence other than imprisonment is appropriate."

Moran was arrested and charged in November 2020 after a Police Scotland investigation.

He denied a series of offences during an earlier trial but was found guilty of three counts of indecent conduct towards children.

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Defence solicitor advocate Iain Paterson pointed out Moran's age at the time of the attacks and said he had no other history of offending.

As well as the six-year jail term, Moran was placed on the sex offenders' register for an indeterminate period.

The judge also imposed non-harassment orders, prohibiting Moran from contacting his victims for eight years.

Detective Constable Kenneth Watt, from Fife's Public Protection Unit, said: "Moran showed utter disregard for the impact his crimes would have on his victims.

"I want to commend them for reporting these offences to us and for having the strength to stand up in court. Moran is now being held to account for his actions.

"Nothing can change the past, but I hope that Moran being behind bars will offer the victims some comfort as they continue to move forward with their lives."